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Zhou Zishu was a student of class eleventh. He was studious and all teachers loved him. But boys of his class called him name as he was introvert. Every day when Zhou Zishu went school, he only wanted to stay unnoticed. It would be better if he could change his face by any technique. Unfortunately he did not have such skills. He never talked to anyone on his own accord. He even refused to response sometimes if he did not feel to do it. On his way home in school bus he used to keep his mouth closed until all the school bullies get off and only few juniors left. After that he used to become a different person. He talked to others and laughed with them until his stop would come.

He went to a coaching centre near his home. Suddenly three class bullies joined that coaching centre. Zhou Zishu was terrified. Would they not spare him even in his coaching centre? But to his relief there were no free time in the coaching center to be bullied by anyone. There were no zero periods, games periods, lunch breaks or off periods to be outside the teacher's gaze.

Zhou Zishu was sitting on the front row and the teacher was explaining physics. Wen Kexing, the leader of the bullies sat behind him. His two friends were behind him as usual. Zhou Zishu was determined to not think about Wen Kexing. He put his whole concentration on the lecture. The teacher Mr. Shen was a funny person, he always tried to explain physics with weird practical example. He loved to tease a couple of students during his explanations.

Mr. Shen walked to the back of the class and started pulling a boy's cheeks. Every student looked at him to understand what Mr. Shen was telling and to have the fun. Zhou Zishu was doing the same. His gaze was on the teacher and the target of fun. Suddenly he felt creepy and focused on Wen Kexing. Wen Kexing was not looking at the teacher, he was observing Zhou Zishu. As soon as Zhou Zhishu looked at him, he winked.

Zhou Zishu was embarrassed, he asked, "Why are you not looking at the teacher?"

"There is nothing interesting there. The thing I am interested in is just in front of me," Wen Kexing replied.

Zhou Zishu continued to look at the teacher with an unhappy face. Wen Kexing leaned towards him and said, "Don't you think you would look older if you put an unhappy face always?"

"Mind your own business," Zhou Zishu said.

"I am doing the same," Wen Kexing said.

In the mean time Mr. Shen had enough fun and went back to the front. Zhou Zishu tried to concentrate in his lecture.

Next day Mr. Shen was not there to lecture, his assistant was responsible to arrange a test for the students of class eleventh and twelfth. The assistant asked all of them to sit in one hall together. Zhou Zishu came a little late that day. When he came, there was no empty seat for him. Mr. Assistant asked him to go to another hall upstairs to take the test. Zhou Zishu thought that it would be better to sit alone rather than in an overcrowded room. He sat down and started answering questions. He did not notice that someone came silently behind him. Suddenly he felt someone's hot breath on his nape and he jumped in fright.

Wen Kexing said, "Don't panic, it's me."

"That's the scariest thing to me," Zhou Zishu thought in panic.

"Ah- Xu, why do you always hide from me?" Wen Kexing caged Zhou Zishu with his both hands and said, "I am not going to eat you." Wen Kexing always called him as Ah- Xu, he tried to say many times that his name was not Xu, it was Zishu, but the address never changed.

Zhou Zishu closed his eyes and stopped breathing. No one was there to save him and he was too powerless to protect himself. He had no idea what the other person wanted from him. But that can't be any good thing. Unfortunately the most troublesome thing at that moment was his racing heart. Wen Kexing came closer and sniffed his neck. A sudden realization came to Zhou Zishu's mind.