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It was Cao Weining's first job as an assistant and his boss Zhou Zishu gave him the responsibility to arrange the grand celebration of his first marriage anniversary with Wen Kexing. The whole event was managed by a high class event management company, but Cao Weining was responsible to look after the matters with them.

On the evening of the anniversary party, Cao Weining donned in his best suit and got himself busy in inspecting the arrangements. As Gu Xiang came with her family, Zhou Zishu asked Cao Weining to take special care to the most special guest. Gu Xiang is special to Zhou Zishu as she had saved the life of his beloved husband and eliminate the risk from his life.

Gu Xiang was well aware of the situation and never failed to get benefit out of it. Although her family was well off, she demanded anything she wants from Zhou Zishu. None of Zhou Zishu and Wen Kexing had any real family member or close relative. So both of them loved her as their own sister and spoiled her to the extreme. Her expensive dress and accessories, which she wore in the party were all funded by Zhou Zishu.

All the other works were fine to Cao Weining but he did not like the responsibility of taking care of a spoiled teenage girl. And as he was anticipating, Gu Xiang started abusing him using her status of special guest. She repeatedly made him serve her different snacks, desserts and drinks. Cao Weining served her with gritted teeth. She made him follow her everywhere, like a bodyguard. Finally, Cao Weining could not bear it anymore and decided to abandon his duty for a while. He went outside the hall to get fresh air and returned after smoking a cigarette. In the mean while Gu Xiang started looking for Cao Weining and reached a corner, where some spoiled rich kid were drinking alcohol. Seeing a beautiful young girl, they started to tease her.

After calming down Cao Weining went inside to look for Gu Xiang but could not find her in the main hall. Then he found out that that Gu Xiang was surrounded by few misbehaving rich boys. He tactfully rescued her and took her to the main hall. Gu Xiang was furious and Cao Weining begged for forgiveness. He was well aware that if Zhou Zishu came to know about his negligence he could lose his job. Gu Xiang was also aware of that. She said that she could forgive him if he follow her instructions. Cao Weining agreed and served her for the remaining time before she went home with her parents. Cao Weining felt relieved as he thought that he was finally free from serving that annoying girl.

But he was proven wrong. In less than ten days Gu Xiang came to meet Zhou Zishu in his office. Zhou Zishu was happy to see her. He said, "Xiang! How are you?"

"I am fine brother-in-law."

"You came to meet me? Wen Kexing is in his university."

"Brother-in-law I need your help."

"Just say it."

"My classes in university is going to start in two days and I have to buy books."

"How much money do you need?"

"I don't need money brother-in-law. Its just my parents are busy, so I want someone to go with me to the book street in C city."

"I can postpone my meetings of tomorrow to go with you."

"You don't need to personally go with me. Just send someone reliable."

"Someone reliable? Take Han Ying with you."

"He is scary."

"There will be a bodyguard and a driver too."

"No, no, not him."

"What about Miss Qianqiao?"

"She is boring, she does not talk at all."

"Who is reliable apart from these two?"