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Zhou ZiShu confirmed everything from Han Ying's assistant and went to meet Han Ying's parents next day. They also said that they would help Han Ying only if they get a divorce, otherwise they would not recognise Han Ying as their family. The police came to find Han Ying at their house and two more days later Han Ying called from a public booth. Hearing Han Yang's voice Zhou ZiShu started crying, Han Ying said that he was fine, but ZiShu could understand how difficult Han Ying's life became.

The next evening Han Ying's assistant called him to the office as someone wanted to meet him personally. Wang Xie was a CEO of a very big company, they had invested some money in Han Ying's company. He rarely appeared in public in past and no one knew much about him. ZiShu had no idea about his true intentions, but he found out that Wang Xie liked Han Yang romantically. His conditions were almost same as Wen KeXing's. He offered to invest more money in Han Ying's company and pay the creditors if Han Ying agrees to marry him. ZiShu could only say that he wanted some time to think about that matter. He was trying hard to find any solution for the problem in his hand. He took leave from his school and was meeting different people to arrange investors but all of his hard work was fruitless. (If it was that easy, then why would Han Ying have to suffer.)

By the time Han Ying called him again, ZiShu had already made his mind.

"Yingying, come back," he said.

"I can't go ZiShu, I have no money," Han Ying said.

"Yingying, I will sent you money for your tickets and I have found a solution for your problems. Trust me and come back as early as possible," ZiShu said.

When Han Ying finally came back home, the first thing he got was a divorce paper.

"What is this ZiShu?" he asked with surprise.

ZiShu did not know how to explain the situation to Han Ying as he knew how much Han Ying loved him. He himself loved his husband beyond any limits, so he was determined to save him by any means.

"Han Ying, I don't like you anymore. You are worse than a beggar now, so I want a divorce from you. I want to live peacefully with my son. But I don't want to file a case for divorce, so I prepared the papers for mutual divorce. You read them and sign. After that all ties between us will be cut."

Han Ying could not believe his ears but the divorce papers were in front of him. He laughed bitterly and signed those papers. After that he dragged his body and went to his office. ZiShu informed Han Ying's assistant about the situation. Han Ying's parents reached the office not long after Han Ying reached there. They were happy about the divorce and wanted to help Han Ying with money. But as soon as Han Ying saw them, he became infuriated. He cannot trust his parents again, they destroyed his happy and harmonious life with their evil deeds. He denied any relationship with his family and asked them to go away.

Wang Xie came afterwards and offered to invest in Han Ying's company. Han Ying was clueless why would Wang Xie do this. As Wang Xie confesses his love Han Ying got angry and refused to accept any help from him. Just then Police came and arrested Han Ying. Wang Xie went to police station and tried to solve that problem. But Han Ying was not ready to accept anything from him. Han Ying's assistant called ZiShu and described everything.

ZiShu ran to Wen KeXing and request him to withdraw that case.

"Why should I do that?" Wen KeXing asked. "I told you to leave him, but you are not ready to do that."

"I did! I divorced him."



"Then let's marry."