◇ Chapter 02 : Dust's Past ◇

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"Here, Helica. Your food."

Dust said as he put the small plate of the food he shared with Helica on the table. The cat looked at the food and meowed, he starting to eat the food. Dust sat down on the chair,

"It's a good thing you don't need cat food and stuff to eat. I can just share what I cook, you seemed to like it."

Dust said. The cat meowed, then eats again. Dust chuckles and pets the cat gently before he finishes his own food. As he finishes, the cat also finishes. Dust took both his plate and the cat's small plate and stood up from the chair, then he put it in the sink as he starting to wash the dishes. Dust soon finished washing the dishes and walked out of the kitchen, the cat followed him and jumped down.

Dust stood in front of the doorway to the kitchen and stare blankly around the living room. The cat looked up at Dust, the cat then nuzzles on Dust's leg as Dust looked at him and smiled softly. He squatted in front of him, petting him, which made the cat purrs softly.

"Hey, wanna take a walk? It's getting a bit boring staying in this small house."

Dust said. The cat meowed and jumped onto Dust's shoulder. Dust stood up and walked towards the front door and then opened the door as he walked out with the cat. Dust walked away from the house, going to a direction that leads to the park. The cat looked around, he seemed to try to be aware of things around them. Soon, they arrived at the nearest park and went there. Dust looked around the park, people are playing or walking or sitting here and there.

Dust walked towards a bench and then sit down on it. The cat jumped off the shoulder and onto his lap. Dust looked at the cat and pets his head again.

"Why don't you go and walk around for a bit?"

Dust suggested. The cat looked up at him and meowed, the cat circled around Dust's lap and then curling up. Dust chuckles and pets the cat's body gently. The cat purrs softly. Then the cat hears the people who's walking past them.

"...hey, hey.. isn't that the guy who killed his own family?"

Said one of them. The cat looked at the two humans,

"..yeah, can't believe he's out of the jail already.."

Said the other.

"They should've just execute him by hanging him or something, they just decided to let him go."

"Yeah. But maybe the next time he causes something bad like killing other people, they'll execute him."

"Yeah.. that poor cat on his lap though, he might kill that cat eventually due to his broken mind.."

"Yeah, poor cat."

That's all they said. The cat feels disgusted with what they talk about his new owner. The cat looked up to Dust, who's just staring blankly while still petting the cat. Dust covers his face even more with the hood and he picked up the cat as he stood up. Going to the park was a bad idea. Dust walked out of the park and he continued walking, not to the direction that leads to his house, but somewhere else. Then he stopped in the an alley, back alley as he put down the cat.

"...sorry. They were right, Helica. You shouldn't have me as your owner. I might ended up killing you.. bye."

Dust said. The cat looked at Dust with a hint of sadness. You shouldn't have listened to them.. the cat thoughts. Dust smiled and pets the cat gently, the cat didn't meow or purrs to respond at all as he just look up at Dust. Dust gripped the red scarf he is wearing as he stood up and walked away from the cat. The cat stayed there for a few while, until Dust was out of sight. The cat shook his head and starting to run.

Dust and The Red Eye Cat [] A HorrorDust AU / Fanstory Where stories live. Discover now