◇ Alternate Ending 2 : Escaped ◇

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"Okay! Okay! Just stop! Please! I'll stay here, I'll do whatever you want!"

Dust said. Nightmare smirked.

"Y-young master.. no..!"

Horror said. Nightmare walked towards Dust, Dust opened his eyes and looked at him. Nightmare cupped Dust's chin to make him not looking away. Tears formed in each corner of Dust's eyes.

"Please.. just don't hurt or even kill him.. and his brother.. I-I'll stay.. I won't run away.."

Dust said.

"Hm, that's you decision?"

Nightmare asked. Dust nodded,

"Y-yes.. just please, promise me you won't kill him.."

Dust said.

"Oh, I always speaks the truth, Dust. I won't kill him or his brother now that you decided to stay."

Nightmare said as he leaned in and gave Dust a little kiss on the 'mouth'. Horror tried to stand up, but he collapsed back. Dust looked at Horror,

"Just.. let me.. talk to him, please.."

Dust said. Nightmare stared at him for a few while. Then he nod,

"Let him go, Killer, Error."

Nightmare said. Killer and Error let go of Dust's hand as Dust immediately run towards Horror, he stood on his knees. Horror immediately pulled Dust and hugged him tightly, ignoring all the pain he felt. Dust hugged him back. Nightmare stared at the two and watched them. Then, Nightmare suddenly changed his mind, but he decided to watch Dust and Horror first.

"Young Master, are you okay..?"

Horror said, in a low voice, barely heard but Dust could hear him. They let go of the hug.

"No, I should be the one who ask you that.. god you're bleeding everywhere.."

Dust said.

"Don't worry, Young Master.. but you can't stay with Nightmare! He'll... I don't know what will he do to you.. I'm sure he just wanted to hurt you! You can't do that!"

Horror said.

"It's for the best, Helica.. I don't want you and your brother getting killed.. it's all my fault so I have to-"

Dust's words were cut off as Horror holds Dust's shoulders,

"Young Master, listen to me. It wasn't your fault. My brother is fine, he will never get to him, and I will be fine too! Now please, don't stay here.. we'll.."

Horror lower down his voice,

"We'll get out of here in a minute.. Star Group is on their way.."

Horror said. Dust looked up to him,

"Star.. group?"

Dust asked. Horror looked at Nightmare, who is still watching them both. Horror looked back at Dust and nodding his head.

"They're on their way here so.. please..."

Horror said. Nightmare of course heard everything they said, even though their voices are low and almost not heard. Nightmare's expression hardened as he heard Horror mentioning the Star group will be here in any minute. Nightmare sharppened his tentacles. Horror and Dust keeps talking to each other.

"Are they the ones who protect your brother..?"

Dust asked. Horror nodded his head,

"Yes.. they'll be here any second.. so.."

Dust and The Red Eye Cat [] A HorrorDust AU / Fanstory Where stories live. Discover now