◇ Chapter 05 : Helica's True Form ◇

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Dust closed the front door as he walked towards the living room, where his cat is waiting for him to come home. Dust was out of the house to buy some stuff and now he just got back. The cat sit there on the couch as Dust looked at him. He smiled softly and walks towards the cat and sat next to him. Dust took something out of his bag and shows it to the cat,

"I bought you something."

Dust said. The cat looked at the thing on his owner's hand, a red necklace (collar?) for cats with a 'H' initial name on it. The cat moves his tail around excitedly, showing Dust that he liked it. Dust chuckles softly as he then took it out of the plastic and wrapped it on the cat's neck. The cat meowed, his tail still moves excitedly. Dust smiled,

"Do you like it?"

The cat meowed,

"I'm glad you do."

Dust sighed and pickes up the cat in his arms. The cat looked up at Dust and licked his face, making Dust chuckled softly.

"I'm so glad to have you here.. I've been all alone ever since I.. did that to my brother.. and I'm glad I didn't hurt you or even killed you when I gone mad two days ago."

Dust said. The cat tilted his head,

"Hey.. Helica?"

The cat meowed.

"Will you always be with me until the end? It's nice having you around, even though you're just a little cat."

Dust said. The cat meowed and licked Dust's cheek again,

"Hehe, thank you. I'll always take care of you to the best of my ability."

Dust said. The cat nuzzles on his owner's neck, which Dust laughs softly because it's ticklish. Dust stood up and walked towards the kitchen,

"Well, let's cook something to eat. You must be hungry for waiting for me."


The cat stare at his owner who is sleeping peacefully. The cat licked Dust's cheek, and keeps licking. Dust stayed asleep. The cat stopped and still looking at his owner. The cat sighed and curling up right beside Dust.

I wanted to stay with young master forever but... those guys that is still searching me... if they found out about young master, they will certainly use him as a bait to make me come to them or even kill him. Having me here will only putting young master in danger.. I need to tell young master everything about me immediately. Maybe tomorrow.


Dust is in the kitchen, washing the dishes silently. The cat just sit there on the couch, eyes on his owner. Dust sighed as he finishes washing the dishes. He walked out of the kitchen and pulls out his phone as he walked towards the couch and sits down. The cat looked up at him, he meowed to get his owner's attention. Dust looked at the cat and pets his head, smiling softly.

Alright, it's time to tell him.

The cat thoughts. But then, Dust looked back at the phone after he received a message from someone, and Dust's smile immediately faded away as he reads the messages. Dust sighed as he stood up,

"Helica, I'm going out for a while. It might be a bit long, though but I'll be back."

Dust said, putting down the phone on the couch. Dust walked towards the front door and soon walked out of the house. The cat sit there and sighed.

Dust and The Red Eye Cat [] A HorrorDust AU / Fanstory Where stories live. Discover now