◇ Chapter 12 : A Talk With Killer ◇

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Horror stopped running as he looked at his right hand wrist, he opens up the sleeve, revealing a handwatch. That's not just a handwatch, it can also be used as communication device. Horror looked around the place, then back at the handwatch.

"Horror, we detected that you're entering Nightmare's territory, what are you doing there? Shouldn't you be running and hide from him?"

A male voice comes from the handwatch asked Horror. Horror knew who is speaking, one of the Star group that helped him hiding his brother from Nightmare. Horror sighed,

"I don't want to run anymore. I'm going to face him."

Horror said as he continued running. Horror's already in Nightmare's territory, bt he haven't found Nightmare's mansion. His mansion is located near the ocean. While right now, Horror is still in the forest.

"What?! No, Horror, it's too dangerous!-"

"I have to save my master, Ink!"

Horror yelled.

"Wha- your master??"

The person speaking through the handwatch, named Ink asked Horror. Horror stopped, looking around the forest before running again.

"Yes.. He's been abducted, so I have to get him back from Nightmare do something to him!"

Horror said.

"I see- Horror, stay where you are, don't go there alone. We'll be there and help!"

Ink said, Horror groaned as he shook his head.

"No! Ink, we don't have much time!"

Horror said.

"Wait, Horror! HORR-"

Horror turned off the handwatch as he continued running.


Dust sit there on the bed, still thinking of what Nightmare said to him. Stay here with him and Horror and his brother won't die or the opposite. Dust don't know. He don't know what to do. He doesn't want to stay with Nightmare, but he doesn't want him to kill Horror and his brother. Dust curled up, burrying his head, sighing heavily. Then, someone unlocked and opened the door. Then Dust heard the door closed and footsteps walking towards him.


Someone called. Dust looked up at him and found a skeleton, with no eye pupils, his eye socket has some black liquids coming out of it. Dust looked at the shark tail behind him. He guessed that the skeleton in front of him is like Horror but a half-shark. The skeleton sits on the bed,

"..who are you?"

Dust asked.

"Nightmare's underling, a half-shark."

He said.

"...not gonna tell me your name..?"

Dust asked.


He said.

"I see.. are you here to torture me?"

Dust asked. Killer looked at him and chuckles,

"What? No, that's Error's job, not mine. Though, Nightmare said to not do anything to you. I just wanted to talk to you."

Killer said. Dust only nodded his head as the response. He then looked away, burrying his face again. Killer stared at him.

"I wonder what makes our master interested in you. You look normal and an ordinary man to me."

Killer said. Dust shrugged,

"...I don't know. But one thing I know is that he wanted my body..."

Dust said.

"Your body?"

Killer asked. Dust nod,

"...he wanted my body to play with it. Know what I mean..?"

Dust said. Killer nodded, he knows what he means of course. Killer chuckled,

"Man, how unlucky you are."

Killer said.

"By the way, your boyfriend is on his way here. He's already entering Nightmare's territory but he's still far away from this mansion."

Killer said. Dust looked at him, he then looked away while sighing heavily. Killer looked at him,

"God.. it's all my fault.. I shouldn't have brought him home and I shouldn't have fallen in love with him.. I put him in danger.."

Dust said, barely audiable. But Killer could hear him.

"No, it's actually Horror's fault. If he never jumped onto your shoulder and hid in your house, you wouldn't be involved in the first place."

Killer said.

"..No, it's my fault."

Killer stared at him. Killer sighed and stood up,

"Well, I think I know why Nightmare interesed with you. You are indeed attractive, and the negative feelings you felt gave Nightmare more strength."

Killer said. Dust looked up at him,

"When Horror and Nightmare fought, Nightmare can loose. All you need to do is stop being so negative and more positive. He hates and gets weakened by positive feelings. You can help Horror to win Nightmare like that."

Killer said. Dust stared at him for a few seconds. Why is he telling Dust all this? Is Killer helping him? Killer looked at Dust.

"Why are you telling me all this?.."

Dust asked.

"Eh, no reason.. I just.. feel like I should tell you because.. even if Nightmare said that he won't kill Horror and his brother if you became his life partner, he might be lying about it. He might still kill Horror and his brother without you knowing."

Killer said, he walked towards the door.

"...because that's what happened to me, too."

Killer said softly. Dust looked at him with slight wide eyes after hearing that. This happened to Killer, too? Dust stared at Killer, who is now in front of the door.

"It happened to you.. too?"

Dust asked. Killer looked at him, he shrugged and opened the door as he walked out, locking the door after then. Dust sighed softly and back curling up. So even if Dust decided to stay with Nightmare, Horror and his brother will still be getting killed by Nightmare. Dust groaned as he thought of that.

Dust and The Red Eye Cat [] A HorrorDust AU / Fanstory Where stories live. Discover now