◇ Chapter 08 : Kisses ◇

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Dust woke up from his sleep, he yawned softly as he sits on the bed. Dust stayed still as he zoned out for a few while. Dust looked at the white cat sleeping beside him. Dust smiled and petting Horror's head gently, which he responded with purring and his white and red tail moved a bit. Horror opened his eyes and yawned, Dust stopped petting. Dust didn't know why bit he felt.. something around his 'mouth', it was like the feeling of something touched his 'mouth' last night. But he didn't know what. Because he was asleep. Dust moved his hand on his 'mouth' then sighing. Horror looked up at him as he then jumped onto Dust's lap, meowing.

"Hungry, huh? Well, let's go eat. I'll go bake something."

Dust said. Horror meowed as he jumped off the bed and ran out of the room. Dust removed the blanket that covers his waist and legs as he gets off the bed and walked out of the bedroom. He walked towards the kitchen and found Horror in his half-cat, half-skeleton form, standing. There are already some food on the table.

"You did it again?"

Dust asked. Horror chuckles, his tail move around excitedly.

"Yes, Young Master. I already woke up just a few minutes before you so I made breakfast."

Horror said. Dust smiled and then giggles cutely. Horror chuckles softly. Then they both sit down on the chair and starting to eat their food on the plates, while they talk about some things. After a few minutes, they finally finished eating. Dust washed the dishes while Horror just hugging him from behind, nuzzling to his Young Master's shoulder. Dust just let him be. Then he finished washing the dishes as they both walked out of the kitchen. Horror let go of Dust as he picked Dust up in bridal style, which makes Dust blush.

Horror walked towards the couch and sat down on it, putting down Dust on his lap as he nuzzles on Dust's chest. Dust blushed even more. Horror seemed a little bit more affectionate than before.

"Why are you like this all of the sudden..?"

Dust asked. Horror continued nuzzling on his owner's chest.

"Mm.. nothing. I just wanted to."

Horror replied. Dust hummed,

"Hmm? Hey, Helica."

"Yes, Young Master?"

"Did you.. do something to me last night while I was asleep?"

"No, why?"

"I just get the feeling something on my 'mouth' when I was asleep. So, I thought you did something."

Horror hears, he blushed red visibly when he heard that. Dust didn't know what happened, he didn't know that Horror kissed him when he was asleep, but he did feel it. Horror didn't reply for a few while as he just blushed and still nuzzling Dust's chest. Horror's tail moves around,

"And hey, this might be personal but.. why did you only have one eye, ear and a large hole on your head in the first place?"

Dust asked. Horror stopped nuzzling almost immediately, he looked up at Dust, who is waiting for answers.

"Well.. uh.. that's a fun conversation.. it's kinda hard to explain but.. the one that was a friend of my brother's did something to me that made me look like this."

Horror said.

"Who did?"

Dust asked.

"I can't speak the name. More like, not wanting to speak her name."

Horror said.

"What did she do?"

Dust asked again. Horror chuckles,

Dust and The Red Eye Cat [] A HorrorDust AU / Fanstory Where stories live. Discover now