◇ Chapter 10 : Abduction ◇

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Horror woke up, finding himself on Dust's chest. Horror is in his full cat form, he is always in this form while sleeping because Dust's bed is only a single bed, Horror won't fit sleeping next to Dust in his skeleton form. Horror looked at Dust, who is still sleeping peacefully. Horror thought that he's always cute while sleeping. Horror stood up, stretching and soon jumping off from Dust's chest to the floor. Horror changed form to his half-skeleton, half-cat form. Horror walked towards the door and opened it, walking out of the bedroom and went to the kitchen. He walked towards the fridge and opened it as he looked for something to bake.

"..I guess I need to buy some more stuff.. well.. I'll just make a little food for him and then I'll go buy stuff again."

Horror spoke to himself. Horror takes an egg and starting to bake egg. After a few minutes, Dust woke up from his sleep. Dust rubs his eyes as he sits on the bed, he looked around the bed, hoping would find his lovely Helica on the bed but no, he's not on the bed.


Dust spoke to himself. Dust took off the blanket as he gets off from the bed and stood up, walking towards the door and soon walked out of the bedroom, walking to the kitchen and found no one is there. Dust noticed that there's a plate of egg and rice on the table and a small yellow note beside the plate. Dust walked to the table and took the note, it says that Horror is going out to buy more stuff, and told Dust to eat the food prepared for him. Dust sighed in relief as he found out that Horror didn't leave him, just going out to buy stuff. Dust sat on the chair and began to eat.

After a few minutes, he finished eating. It's kinda boring without Horror around. Dust sit there for a whole before sighing and stood up and walked towards the bedroom, as he entered the bedroom, he heard the front door opened and then closed. Dust smiled softly, he thought that it was Horror who had just came back after buying stuff. Dust walked to the bathroom and washes his face. Then he walked towards the bed and make the bed while waiting for who he thought was Horror to come to him. The footsteps getting even more closer. Dust sighed softly,

"Helica, I know it's you-"

"I'm not him."

Dust widened his eyes as he heard that it's not Horror's voice. Dust quickly turned around only to be pushed onto the bed and someone pinned him down on the bed, gripping Dust's hands tightly. Dust looked up at the skeleton who pinned him down with wide eyes, turns out it was Nightmare. The leader of the group that's been chasing Horror. He came back, wanting to take Dust with him. Nightmare gave him a smirk,

"Why hello, Dust. We meet again."

Nightmare said.

"Y-you.. how did.."

Dust haven't finished his words,

"I was waiting for this moment, where Horror finally walks out of the house and I took the chance. I wonder though, why did you lie that he's here all along?"

Nightmare said and asked. Even though, he always knew that Horror lives with Dust, but he pretended to not know. Nightmare leaned in, his face and Dust's face was only an inch away. Their breaths collided. Dust tried to free his hands from Nightmare's grip, but to no avail.

"Won't you answer me, Dust?"

Nightmare said. Dust looked away, stopped struggling to free his hands. He closes his eyes tight shut.

Dust and The Red Eye Cat [] A HorrorDust AU / Fanstory Where stories live. Discover now