◇ Chapter 13 : What Will It Be? ◇

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Dust looked towards the door, seeing someone opened the door and walked in. A skeleton with a black skull, there are some kind of blue tear marks on both of his cheeks, his eye sockets are both red with multi-colored eye pupils, error signs and glitches can be seen sometimes. He also has black wings behind him, a half-bird perhaps? He walked towards Dust and then stood in front of him. Dust looked at him.

"...you look miserable."

The skeleton said.

"...rude.. who are you?"

Dust asked.

"Nightmare's underling, a half-crow."

The skeleton said.


Dust asked again.


The skeleton said, crossing his arm. Dust remembered that Killer mentioned Error's name and that his job is to torture prisoners like Dust. Dust tensed up a little bit after remembering that. Dust moved away slightly, trying to go away from Error. Error looked at him in confusion.

"A-are you going to torture me?"

Dust asked, his voice cracks a little bit. Error shook his head,

"No, no. Well, my job is to torture prisoners like you but Nightmare said to not hurt you so I won't. No need to be scared."

Error said.

"Though, I wanted to check your soul."

Error added. Then suddenly, blue strings came out of his hands and wrapped around Dust's arms, moving his arms up. No need to be scared? Dust would of course scared if Error tied him up like this. Error gets on the bed and sat in front of Dust, he touched Dust's chest as Dust felt like his soul is wrapped with the blue strings then Error pulled his soul out of his body.

"W-what are you-"

"Easy, I'm just checking it."

Error stared at Dust's pure white soul. Well, just like any other monsters soul, but Dust's a bit cracked. Dust looked at Error, then looked at his soul.

"A little bit cracked, huh."

Error said. He looked at Dust,

"I wonder what happens if I punch you."

Error said.

"P-please.. don't.. you said you won't hurt me..!"

Dust said.

"Well, I heard that from Nightmare if you were beaten up, you'll go insane and kill everyone in the room. Kinda make me curious about it."

Error said, letting go of Dust's soul.

"Please, don't.."

Dust pleaded. Error stared at Dust for a few seconds. Dust looked at him, full of fear.

"Please, don't do that.. I-I can't control myself if you beats me up! And.. only Helica who could make me calm-!"

Error sighed heavily.

"Yea, I know, I know. I wouldn't risk it."

Error said as he took out a key, the blue strings around Dust's arms loosened and then Error grabbed Dust's hand that is chained as he took it off with the key. Dust widened his eyes as he looked at Error. Error stood up, and looked at Dust,

"Don't get me wrong. I'm not helping you to get out. Nightmare told me to free you because Horror's gonna be here in a few minutes."

Error said.

Dust and The Red Eye Cat [] A HorrorDust AU / Fanstory Where stories live. Discover now