◇ Chapter 04 : His Madness ◇

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The cat just sit there on the living room's couch while waiting for his owner to come back home. He wanted to tell his owner everything about him, who this cat truly are. But his owner hasn't come home yet. Dust said that he's just going out for a while, to buy some food ingredients and other stuff, but he's taking too long and it makes the cat worried about his owner. Did something happen? ...it can't be that they found Dust and... the cat shook his head.

Then he heard the front door open as the cat jumped off the couch and ran towards the front door only to see Dust on the floor, with some injuries all over his body. The groceries and some other stuff he bought are also on the floor right next to Dust. What happened? The cat walked closer to his owner and looked up at Dust, who is trying to hide his face.

"Oh.. hey, Helica.. sorry I'm late."

Dust said with a sore voice. Who could have done this to his owner? Dust stood up, picking up the groceries and went to the kicthen. The cat followed him and saw Dust putting the groceries in the fridge and soon he closes the fridge and walked out of the kitchen and went to the bedroom. Cat continued to follow him. Then, Dust walked inside the bathroom and slammed the door close. The cat stayed there in front of the bathroom door and stared at the door, waiting for his owner to come out.

For a few moments, there were no sounds in the bathroom. But after a while, the cat could here some water noises and then silence again. Then again, water noises and silence again. The cat walked away from the door, thinking that his owner is just taking a bath and trying to heal up the injuries he had. But still, what happened?

After a few more while the cat waits, Dust finally opened the bathroom door and walked out of the bathroom. He looks a lot better than before. Dust walked towards the bed and sat down on it, turning on the tv and watched whatever it is on tv. The cat watches Dust, his owner didn't say anything and just stare blankly at the tv, then he hugged his legs, curling up. The cat meowed, asking his owner what happened. Dust only respond with petting the cat's head gently.

Dust looked at the cat, then he gets on the bed and laid down on it and just decided to sleep it off. The cat just sit there. The cat looked at the clock, it's still noon. The cat went closer to Dust and curled up next to him.



The cat jolted in surprise as he looked around the bedroom. Dust isn't here on the bed. The cat jumped off the bed and ran out of the bedroom, only to find Dust breaking things in the living room and he's holding a knife, stabing it here and there. He threw the flower vases, stabbing and tearing the couch, kicking breakable things and more. The cat stood there, not terrified but worried. Dust stopped and looked at the cat,

"Oh! Helica.. have seen the guy who's always making us food? They should be here right now. While we're both asleep.. I have to get them and rip them to pieces..!"

Dust said. The cat stood there still. Dust walked closer to the cat and that's when he finally sees Dust's face, he is smiling - not a soft smile that he always see - this one is different. This one looks creepier, a crazy smile. Earlier Dust was injured and now he's... gone mad?

"Hey... Helica.. let's leave this awful place together.."

Dust said, raising his hand with a knife, ready to stab his only cat that's been giving him company for weeks. The cat didn't do anything, just looking up sadly. The cat sighed and as Dust moved the knife to him, a hand stopped Dust and someone hugged him tightly. It wasn't anyone who hugged him, no one is in this house beside the cat and Dust himself. So, who could be hugging him? The cat, of course. He isn't a cat anymore, he is in a form of a skeleton, just like Dust. A tall skeleton with a large hole on his head, hugging Dust tightly, petting his head gently.

Dust somehow feels relaxed as he puts down the knife and his eyes are both threatening to close. The skeleton still hugging him and petting his head. The skeleton nuzzles onto Dust's neck.

"It's okay, young master. Calm down. Don't let the madness took over you. I'm always here with you."

The skeleton said. Dust closes his eyes and soon he fell unconscious. It was the skeleton's power that made Dust relaxed and fell unconscious. The skeleton then picked up Dust in his arms and walked to the bedroom, soon he puts Dust on the bed, covering half of his body with the blanket. The skeleton smiled and kissed the forehead of his owner. Then he walked out of the bedroom, cleaning up the mess that Dust did earlier.


Dust shifted a bit as he opened his eyes slowly. He hissed softly and moved his hand to his forehead, feels like his head is splitting into two. Dust looked at the cat sleeping right beside him. Dust sit on the bed slowly, trying to remember what happened. He couldn't really remember anything, but he knew that he was breaking things last night. The cat woke up and yawned, looking up at Dust. Dust looked back on the cat,

"...did I.. hurt you, Helica?"

Dust asked. The cat shook his head and meowed, Dust sighed in relief.

"Thank god.. heh, I've gone mad again.. thanks to those people who beats me up.."

Dust muttered. The cat tilted his head, meowing. Dust pets the cat's head and smiled softly,

"No need to be worried.. it happens ever since I got here.. people around here beats me up for no reason.. and that triggers my madness.. that's why I am mad last night.. it's a good thing I don't kill anyone.. so that I won't be back to the asylum.. yet..."

Dust said as he sighed again. The cat looks sad after hearing that. He stood and nuzzles on Dust's arm.

"Well.. I have to clean up the mess in the living room.."

Dust said as he gets off the bed. He walked towards the door and walked out of the bedroom, the cat followed him. Dust stood there in surprise that the living room is really clean, unlike last night. The broken flower vases has been replaced with new vases. Well, everything is new and clean. Dust walked towards the kicthen and again found the foods are prepared and a note on the table. He took the note and reads it.

Hey, seems like last night is a rough night for you.
Don't worry, I have cleaned everything and replace new stuff while you were asleep.
Here, enjoy having your breakfast.


"It's H again.. they even cleaned up the messy room.. geez, I want to meet them so bad and say a lot of thank you."

Dust said. The cat smiled, no need to thank me, young master. The cat thoughts. Dust sighed as he sat on the chair, the cat jumped onto his lap and stayed there. Dust looked at the cat,

"Hm, they usually prepare food for you, too.."

Dust said. The cat meowed and curled up on his lap. Well, he had eaten just a few minutes before Dust wake up. Dust smiled and starting to eat the food that was prepared for him. Dust really curious about the guy who keeps on making him breakfast and dinner, and also cleaning up the mess in the living room. He wanted to meet him soon.

Dust and The Red Eye Cat [] A HorrorDust AU / Fanstory Where stories live. Discover now