◇ Alternate Ending 1 : Controlled ◇

650 35 13

"Well, Dust? What will it be?"

Nightmare asked. Dust stayed silent, still don't know what to do.

"Y-young master.. don't- ack!-"

Nightmare kicked Horror and then again stepping on his tail.

"Come on, Dust. Decide before I kill him in front of your eyes in a minute."

Nightmare said. Dust looked at Horror. Nightmare sharppened his tentacles, one of his tentacle wrapped around Horror's cat ear, while other tentacle ready to cut his cat ear. Horror closes his eyes shut, getting ready for the pain. Horror can't really move, he's feeling hurt all over. Nightmare's tentacle moved, making a small wound on Horror's ear. Dust didn't say anything as he closed his eyes. Horror actually glad that Dust didn't say anything at all. He really didn't want Dust to stay with Nightmare. Nightmare stayed silent, staring at Dust for a few moments.

Nightmare suddenly changed his mind. Nightmare walked towards Dust, then grabbing his arm and looked at Error and Killer.

"Let go of him. Killer, Error, go and tie Horror's arms to that pole behind him, now."

Nightmare said. Error and Killer nodded their head and immediately walked towards Horror, teleporting a thick rope and starting to tie Horror's wrists to the pole. Horror looked at the two, Dust looked at Horror. Nightmare's underlings tied up Horror's wrists tight enough, then the stood up and walked towards Nightmare.

"Good. Now, go upstairs and watch. If the Star groups arrived here, defeat them. Don't let them get inside the mansion."

Nightmare said. Killer and Error nodded and they disappeared immeadiately. Dust was about to run to Horror, but Nightmare's grip on his wrist gets tighter, preventing him to go to Horror. Dust hissed. Nightmare walked behind Dust and pulled Dust close to him, wrapping his tentacles around Dust's legs, waist and arms. Dust looks so scared but he stayed silent. Horror looked at them,

"Stop. Let him go. What are you gonna do with him?"

Horror said. Nightmare leaned to Dust's shoulder,

"Hm. When I first saw him, I immediately fell in love with him. That alone was the truth."

Nightmare said.


Horror asked. Nightmare smirked.

(Don't worry, this isn't sexual harrassment. But you mighg think that way.)

"....wait.. w-wait! W-what are you-?!!! AHH!-"

Dust screamed in pain. Horror widened his eyes as he witnessed such an awful thing that Nightmare did to his Young Master, Dust.

"n-nO! PLEASE!- AH- S-STOP IT! NOoooOOOo!"

"There we go.."


Horror struggled to get his hands free, but not use.

"Stop it, Nightmare! He doesn't like it!"


"AHH!...ahh.. Ahh.. hahh! S-stop- p-please- a-ahh! No..NOOO!"

"Stop, Nightmare, please! Don't do that to him! I'm begging you! Please!"

Horror begged. Nightmare didn't hear him.

"...ahh... hahh... Ahh! AhhHHAAAHHhhh!!! STOOPP!! NOOoooOOO!!!"

"Keep screaming like that, Dust."

"no..NO!! AHH!! HELP!! Helica...! HELICA!! H-HELP!! OH GOD--!! AAHHH!!"

Dust and The Red Eye Cat [] A HorrorDust AU / Fanstory Where stories live. Discover now