◇ Chapter 06 : Reason ◇

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Dust sighed as he was just finished making breakfast for him and Horror. This time, Dust didn't prepare the food for Horror in a small plate, since Horror is not just a cat and could turn into skeletons just like Dust anytime he wanted, he prepared the food the same as him. It feels different now, before Horror told him about himself, Dust doesn't feel anything but happy and not lonely, now, Dust kind of feeling hesitated now that he knows Horror is an actual person, not just a cat. Dust now knows that he is living with someone in this house.

Dust had never lived with anyone else besides his brother since long ago. Guess that's why he always felt like he's not just talking to a cat, but to a person everytime he talked with Helica - Horror. Dust walked towards the sink and washes his hand. Horror is still asleep in the bedroom, of course, in his cat form. Dust needs to wake him up. But then, someone hugs him from behind all of the sudden, which making Dust jolts in surprise and blush purple faintly, knowing that it was Horror in his full skeleton form.

"Young master..~"

Horror said, purring softly and nuzzles into Dust's neck.

"Oh, you're woken up already.. I-I was going to wake you up for breakfast.."

Dust said. Horror chuckles,

"You don't need to wake me up. I'll wake up by myself few minutes before or after you did."

Horror said.

"I see.."

Dust said. Horror let go of Dust and changed forms to his cat form, jumping onto the table. Dust looked at Horror,

"Helica, you don't need to be in your cat form during eating from now on. I mean- Horror."

Dust said. Horror looked at Dust, jumping off the table and onto the chair, changed forms back to his half-skeleton form, sitting on the chair.

"Young master, please, I have told you before, you can keep calling me with Helica."

Horror said. Dust rubs the back of his neck as he sit down on the chair right in front of Horror,

"Y-yeah..! Sorry."

Dust said, taking the spoon. Horror's eye still looking at Dust, his 'mouth' smiled slightly,

"Young master, are you hesitated about something?"

He asked. Dust looked at him, then looked back at the food on his plate.

"N-no.. it's just.. um.."

"If my current form is making you hesitated, I can always go back to my cat form! Would you like me to? To make you feel less hesitated?"

"...no, it's okay.. even if you change your form to a cat, now that I know you're not just a cat, I'll still feel this way.."

"Hm.. are you still surprised about me?"

"No, no.. it's just.. well, yes, I am still surprised about you but.. that's not really what makes me feel hesitated.. I've.. I have never living with anybody else before that's.. why.."

"Oh! I see. Well.. you'll get used to it. Don't worry, Young Master."



Dust and Horror walked towards the couch in the living room, soon both of them sit down on it. They looked at each other for a moment, then Dust looked away, rubbing the back of his neck. Horror leaned in and nuzzles on Dust's neck, Dust looked at him in surprise. Oh, he doesn't need to act like a cat in this form- Dust thoughts. Horror's tail moved left and right as he keeps on nuzzling on Dust's neck, making Dust blush in embarassment.

Dust and The Red Eye Cat [] A HorrorDust AU / Fanstory Where stories live. Discover now