◇ Chapter 09 : Peaceful Day ◇

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Dust sat on the bed as he sighed softly, Horror has been sitting on the bed next to Dust and watched his young master. Dust looked at Horror and they just keep staring at each other. After a few seconds, Dust rubs the back of his neck and looked away, blushing softly as he remembered what happened last night. Horror tilted his head as he noticed Dust's faint purple blush, he smiled once he realized that his Young Master remembers about last night.

"I.. didn't know you feel that way to me.."

Dust said.

"Well, I wasn't sure at first. And I wasn't really planning to tell you that but I did anyway."

Horror said, his tail moves slightly.

"Hm.. you weren't actually wanted to tell me how you feel toward me?"

Dust asked.

"...I was.. you know what, never mind that. I already told you about my feelings towards you, and I really love you, sincerely."

Horror said. Dust sighed and smiled softly.

"I also wasn't expecting you'd say that you love me, too. Like not as a pet, but as who I am."

Horror said. Dust blush softly,

"W-well.. I may not show it but ever since I see you in this form and you always teases me by kissing me I.. couldn't help but falling in love with you. So I.. yeah."

Dust said. Horror chuckles softly,

"Awww that's cute, Young Master."

Horror said. Dust giggles softly and looked at Horror,

"Oh, close your eyes, Helica."


Horror closes his eyes almost immediately. Dust used a bit of his magic and formed purple transparent cat ears and tail to surprise Horror about it. Dust looked at Horror and moves a bit closer to him.

"Okay, you can see now."

Dust said. Horror opened his eyes and widened his eyes as he saw. Dust have those cat ears and tail, Dust chuckle softly, the purple tail moves left and right.

"Y-young master- are- are you a half-cat just like me?"

Horror said. Dust chuckles,

"No, I just used a bit of magic to form a fake cat ears and tail. It's magic, nothing else."

Dust said. Horror seemed to like it, loves it to see Dust with cat ears and tail. Dust waved his hand in front of Horror, because Horror's been staring at him while blushing red. Horror then snapped back to reality. Horror's hands moved to the ears and starts to rub it gently.

"H-hey- that won't work on me-"

Dust said.

"You are very cute with those, Young Master. Oh my god."

Horror said as his own tail moves around excitedly. Dust chuckles softly as he made the ears and tail dissapears, which made Horror pout. Dust laughs softly as he stood up, Horror stood up also as both of them walked out to the living room. Dust then stopped and looked around the living room. Dust sighed,

"It's getting a lot more boring in this house, isn't it, Helica?"

Dust said. Horror shrugged,

"Not at all."

Horror said. Dust hummed,

"Hmm.. hey, wanna go to the park?"

Dust asked. Horror looked at Dust,

Dust and The Red Eye Cat [] A HorrorDust AU / Fanstory Where stories live. Discover now