◇ Chapter 07 : A 'Visitor' ◇

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"Just these?"

"Yeah, um, do you really not mind to buy all these?"

"Young Master."

"I-I know, I've asked that too many times. I just never asks someone to buy the groceries.."

"It's fine, Young Master. I can do it. Please wait here until I get home."

"I'm not leaving the house so of course, Helica."

Horror walked towards the door as he grabbed the door knob. He is in his full skeleton form, no cat ear, no cat tail. Dust asked Horror to buy some groceries for dinner and Horror agreed to that and he's going to leave the house to the market. Horror opened the door and looked at Dust, who just stands there in the living room, looking at Horror.

"...you won't try to leave by pretending you'd buy some groceries, right?"

Dust asked, hugging himself. Horror sighed,

"Young Master, how many times have I told you, I won't leave you. Stop worrying! You asked me to go and buy some stuff, right? So I'm doing it."

Horror said. Dust nods,

"Yeah, sorry.. um, see you later then."

Dust said. Horror smiled softly,

"Later, Young Master."

Horror then walked out of the house and closed the door. Dust stood there for a few while, then he sighed and walked to his bedroom, sitting down on the bed as he took the remote and turns on the tv. Dust watched the show on tv for a few while. Then, he looks around the room. His eyes stopped at his own bed. Well, it's his and Horror's bed now. It's only a single bed though, so Horror needs to always change form into his cat form before sleeping next to Dust. Dust laid down on the bed, staring up at the ceilings.

Then, he suddenly thought of Horror, in his half-skeleton and half-cat form is right on top of him, pinning him down with a soft smile on Horror's face. Dust blush softly as he shook his head, then he covers his face with both of his hands. Dust then sit back on the bed, that's when he hears someone knocks the front door. Dust stood up,

"He's done already?"

Dust said as he walked out of the bedroom and went immediately to the front door as he opened the door,

"Helica, you don't-- oh..!"

Dust stopped his sentences as he saw the skeleton standing in front of him is not Horror, but a skeleton with one green eye and a golden crown on his head with a moon sign on it. He also have four black tentacles moving slightly. The skeleton smiled,

"Hello, are you Murder Dust?"

The skeleton asked.

"Huh? Oh- yes.. I am. ...do I know you?"

Dust said. The skeleton moved a hand, wanting a handshake with Dust. Dust looked at the hand and then reaching onto his hand and then they did a handshake.

"No, you do not know me. But my name is Nightmare. I'm here looking for someone."

Nightmare said. Dust nodded and make a way for him to come in,

"Well, come inside first, Sir Nightmare.."

Dust said.

"Thank you."

Nightmare walked in and then Dust shut the door. Both of them walked towards the couch in the living room as Nightmare sat down, while Dust just stood right beside the couch.

"Um.. what should I prepare for you..? I have tea, milk, coffee and.. water.."

Dust said, he is a bit hesitated. He didn't know this guy, but he knows Dust's front name that he never tell others. Nightmare looked at Dust, smiling softly,

Dust and The Red Eye Cat [] A HorrorDust AU / Fanstory Where stories live. Discover now