◇ Chapter 01 : A New Owner And Name ◇

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I must find a place to hide. Otherwise they will force me to join them, and if I refuse, they'll kill me. Someone, anyone, anywhere to hide. ....! ....that guy will do.

Dust sighed softly as he keep walking down the sidewalk while looking down on the ground. Dust is a twenty two year old, he doesn't really have any friends, and he's always been all alone since he was little. But he didn't mind being alone, he liked being all alone. He looked at the road, many cars goes here and there, and some people walking here and there at the other sidewalk. Dust looked back in front of him.

Then, something jumped onto his shoulder. Dust jolted in surprise and looked at his shoulder, only to find a white cat, meowing at him. Dust stared at the cat for a few while, the cat opened it's eyes and Dust saw it's one red eye, the other eye seemed to be missing, one of it's ears also not there, seemed to be cut off or something. The cat nuzzled onto Dust's cheek, purring softly. Dust couldn't help but smile softly,

"You want to come to my home?"

Dust asked the cat. The cat meowed and purrs. Then he pets the cat and continued walking. The cat looked at the forests right beside this sidewalk. Soon, Dust arrived home, with the cat still on his shoulder. Dust unlocked the door and walked inside the house and sighed softly. The cat jumped down to the floor and walked towards the living room and jumped on the couch. Dust looked at the cat and walked towards it, sitting down on the couch.

"Cat, I wonder what's your gender.. may I check?"

Dust asked. The cat somehow shook it's head as a no. Then it meowed, and as if understanding what the cat said, Dust hummed,

"Hmm.. let me guess.. a female?"

Dust asked. The cat stayed silent and stared at Dust,

"...a male?"

Dust asked. The cat's expression seemed to lighten up and it's tail moves excitedly, it meowed again, telling Dust that the cat is a male cat. Dust smiled and pets the cat,

"A male, huh? I'll think of a name later. You sure are a unique cat. To be honest, I've never seen a white cat with a red eye. I wonder what happened to your other eye and ear, though."

Dust said as he stood up. The cat sat there, seemed to wanting to say something, but he's just a cat. Dust walked to the kitchen and opened the fridge, taking out a small fish and then walked back to the living room, he put the fish on the couch right in front of the cat. The cat looked at it and looked up at Dust.

"Sorry, I never had a cat before.. I um.. I got no cat food. I'll buy some, soon."

Dust said. The cat meowed then he starting to eat the fish. Dust smiled softly as he walked back to the kitchen to make some food for himself. Dust sighed softly. He doesn't know why he brought a cat home with him, but his feelings told him to. Well, he wouldn't mind to have a cat. He doesn't really like people anyway. A company from a small cat is enough for him to not feel lonely like before. Dust started to cook.

The cat have finished with the small food he ate as the cat jumped off the couch as he walked to the kitchen, then he stood outside of the kitchen, watching Dust who is still cooking something. The cat leaves Dust be and went towards the bedroom, the door is slightly opened so the cat could go inside. The cat went inside the bedroom and soon jumped on Dust's bed to see the room clearly.

The cat looked around the room. A simple and small bedroom. The bed is on the middle of the room, two desks decorated with flowers on both sides of the bed, a tv a few meters away in front of the bed, a wardrobe on the right side of the tv and a door on the left side of the tv that leads to the bathroom.

Hm.. he lives alone, huh.

The cat thought. Well, the cat wasn't just an ordinary white cat. He could turn into cats anytime he wanted and turned into skeletons just like Dust anytime he wanted to. But for now, he'll just keep his cat form until the right time come to tell Dust everything about him. The cat then spotted a photoframe with a picture on the desk of the tv. The cat jumped down the bed and then jumped onto the tv table and looked at the photoframe with a picture of Dust and a tall skeleton beside him.

The cat stared at the picture for a while. The skeleton beside him looks a lot like the cat's brother, and Dust in this photo seemed to be happier than he is now. His eye pupils are different, too. In this picture, his eye pupils is pure white. Meanwhile the cat sees Dust's eyes earlier was multicolor of red and blue. The cat wondered what happened in his past. But he doesn't need to know about that.


The cat jumped in surprise as he jumped off the table. That crashing noise came from the kitchen. The cat ran out of the bedroom and went to the kitchen, only to see some knives on the ground and Dust sat next in front of it while holding his hand. The cat went closer to Dust and looked at the small wound on the palm of his hand. The cat meowed, Dust smiled,

"It's alright.. I was.. just being clumsy as always... no need to be worried."

Dust said as he picked up the knives, but before he touched the knives, The cat could see that he hesitated to touch it. Dust took a deep breath and sighed, taking the rest of the knives and put it back to where those knives belong. Dust took some bandages and wrapped it around the wound after he washes it. Then he walked towards the chair and sat down. The cat jumped onto his lap. Dust looked at the cat and smiled. Then Dust starting to eat the food he cooked earlier. The cat stared at the food.

Then, the cat jumped on the table and stared at the food. Dust looked at the cat and thought that the cat might want what he eat right now. Dust hummed as he stood up and take a small plate as he starting to pick some of his food on his plate to the small plate, then putting it beside his plate. The cat looked at it and meowed. Dust sat down and smiled. The cat starting to eat the food that Dust share with him.

"...I thought of a name but.. I don't know if you would like it."

Dust said. The cat keeps on eating but he curious about the new name that Dust is going to give him.

"What about... I name you... Helica..?"

Dust said. Helica sounds like a good name. The cat looked up at Dust and meowed, accepting the name that his new found owner give. Dust smiled,

"Helica it is, then."

Dust said. The cat meowed and moves his tail, then continuing to eat his food. The cat has his own name, but since he is pretending to be a pet cat right now, he'll accept the name that Dust gave him. He liked the name though. After a few minutes, the two are finished with their food. Dust took both of the plates and put it in the sink and sighed softly. He walked out of the kitchen and the cat followed him.

Dust walked to his bedroom and as soon as he walked inside, he went to the bed and laid down on it. The cat jumped on the bed and sat. Dust looked at the cat and pets his head gently, which makes the cat purrs softly. Dust looked at the tv in front of him, taking the remote and turning on the tv. The cat and Dust just watched the tv until they both fell asleep.

Dust and The Red Eye Cat [] A HorrorDust AU / Fanstory Where stories live. Discover now