◇ Chapter 03 : Helica's Thoughts ◇

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"...who is the guy who keeps on making these food for us? It's.. been a few weeks since we got these.."

Dust spoked as he washes the dishes. The cat meowed.

"This guy seemed to be here when I'm asleep.. but.."

The cat meowed again, jumps onto Dust's shoulder.


Dust sighed as he finished washing the dishes and walked out of the kitchen and went to the couch in the living room. He sat down and the cat jumped off his shoulder. Dust looked at the window,

"H... I wonder if I knew someone with the H inital name.. but.. I don't know anyone.."

Dust said to himself. The cat just licks his own furs.

"The only one I know with the H initial name.. was you, Helica. But.. that can't be since you're just a cat."

Dust said. The cat looked up at Dust and meowed, trying to tell Dust that it's fine as long as what they did is just making food for them. Dust, as if knowing what the cat said, chuckles softly and leaned on the couch. He pets the cat gently,

"Yeah.. I guess it's fine.."


Dust laid down on the bed. Nothing much to do today. The cat walked closer to Dust as Dust looked at the cat. The cat licks Dust's cheek, which makes him chuckles. The cat keeps licking and Dust just lets him be. Dust pets the cat gently, but that didn't make the cat stop licking. Dust sighed softly as he sit on the bed,

"It's getting a bit boring isn't it..? Being in this small house.. nothing to do, just wake up, eat, sleep, wake up, eat again, sleep again and so on."

Dust said. The cat just stared at Dust,

"...I went to asylum once, I didn't exactly go to jail once I.. did that to my brother.., but they said that I'm already recover and my mind's okay now, so they let me go and gave me this small house. It was just last year that I got out of the asylum."

Dust suddenly said. The cat still just stare at Dust,

"...don't you scared of me, Helica?"

Dust asked, looking at the cat. The cat licks Dust's hand, to telling him that he's not scared of him. Dust had changed, the past is in the past. Dust smiled softly as he pets the cat's head. Dust laid back down on the bed,

"..I'm just gonna go to sleep. Wake me up is that guy's here, can you?"

Dust said. The cat just meowed. Dust smiled and soon closes his eyes, and soon, he fell into a deep sleep. It's already night time, though. The cat sat there beside Dust, watching his owner sleeps peacefully. The cat licked Dust's face and soon jumped off the bed. The cat went to the window and jumped to see the night sky.

It's been a few weeks since I live with my owner. They haven't found me after all this time. But that doesn't mean they gave up looking for me.

The cat thoughts. The cat looked at his owner in the bed under the blanket.

...his past.. is pretty much tragic. But.. he looks fine to me. Well, everybody changes sooner or later.

The cat looked back at the night sky.

But still.. if they found out where I'm hidding.. they could harm Dust. I know it's gonna be risky for my owner to live with what he thought just a cat. But I also can't just leave him here after everything we've done together. Plus, my owner really needs company.. he's been all alone. People around him seems to hate him because of the news about him in the past.

The cat sighed.

Hopefully they won't find me so soon...

The cat jumped off the window and went back to the bed. He curls up next to Dust and yawned, soon falling asleep.

Maybe I should tell my owner about myself and who I really am sooner.

Dust and The Red Eye Cat [] A HorrorDust AU / Fanstory Where stories live. Discover now