Lab Creation

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The world of Remnant is an interesting one. How is it interesting you say? Well half of the population in said world have animal traits known as Faunus. With these Faunus, they have one part of their bodies as an animal like for example a bunny ear or a cat's tail. They also have superhuman ability that are far better than any normal human. That's not the only thing... Everyone in za warudo has an ability called a semblance.. This semblance allows you to fight creatures called Grimm. Anyways enough about that... Let's head into the story of a boy named Y/n... Or should I say Sephiroth...


In a lab under neath Vale, scientists could be seen working on documents, taking down notes and looking at test tubes for research purposes. A woman named Lucrecia Crescent, was walking around pregnant holding a clipboard in her hand. She was sweating due to being pregnant, working long hours at the lab. She was following her husband Professor Hojo so she can be tested again.

Lucrecia: Hojo, please... Let me rest, the side affects are killing me.

Professor Hojo: Not yet my dear, we just need one more run on you to see if Project Sephiroth actually worked.

Lucrecia: But Hojo, you have made me work all day and night. I just want to go home and relax, please.

Professor Hojo: I'm sorry, but you cannot leave until we've rechecked the subject again.

The female groaned as she continued to walk beside her husband. After a few minutes, the two see a door. Hojo opens the door for his wife and points at a seat.

Professor Hojo: Sit down and I'll go get the X-Ray.

Lucrecia: O... Okay.

As instructed by the man, she sits down and waits for her husband to come back. Suddenly she starts seeing images. It was a man with silver hair, he had some sort of uniform and had green eyes.

 It was a man with silver hair, he had some sort of uniform and had green eyes

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She was then snapped back to reality when her husband shook her whole body.

Professor Hojo: Lucrecia, are you okay?!

She then looked at him and shook her head.

Lucrecia: Y-Yeah, I'm fine.

Professor Hojo: Alright then, let us begin.

After 20 minutes of checking on how Project S was doing, turns out that the plans were a major success. Hojo smiled making Lucrecia confused.

Lucrecia: What is it?

Professor Hojo: Project S is a success! Now we just the baby to be fused with energy but first we're going to have to take him out of your stomach.

Lucrecia: What?! You can't do that to him, he hasn't been born yet!

Professor Hojo: I'm sorry but... This is what has to be done.

About 2 painful hours later....

The baby was finally out of Lucrecia's stomach. Lucercia was laying down in a bed with a tired look on her face as she was sweating a lot. Hojo was holding the baby in his hand.

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