Sparing Taken To The Next Level

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Y/n: Would it be better if I did this.

You pull her up and carry her entire body with your left hand on her back while your right carries her legs.

Y/n: Better?

The girl blushed and nodded her head.

Pyrrha: Yeah, way better.

Y/n: Good, now enjoy the view.

You soar in the sky going farther and farther away from Beacon Academy. As you were flying, you a Bullhead in the distance that was heading towards the direction of the school. Then.... It came to you.

Y/n's mind: No, that can't be...

Quick Flashback to You and Ruby..

Ruby: Mom, dad, Uncle Crow and Auntie Raven are coming to see.

Y/n: What?!

Yang: They should be here in about an hour and a half.

Flashback over...

Y/n: Damn them...

Pyrrha: Hm? What's wrong Y/n?

You realized that you said it out loud and quickly turned your head to the girl.

Y/n: O-Oh n-nothing...

You needed to change the subject fast.

Y/n: Oh, this looks like the perfect spot to spar in.

You slowly descend from the air and into the ground. the red haired Pyrrha hops off of you. She does a couple stretches to get her body warmed up.

Pyrrha: Alright Y/n, ready whenever you are.

You smiled at her as you got your sword and held it close to your face.

Y/n: Alright, get ready.




The two students stared at each other as the wind blew their hair. The two smiled at each other as Pyrrha starts running towards you. She threw her should towards you in which you easily side stepped out the way. Pyrrha then thrusted her spear at you, in which you smiled.

Y/n: Heh.

You lifted up your sword and blocked the incoming attack. You then took one step back to parry her second attack and then ducked to parry the third.

 You then took one step back to parry her second attack and then ducked to parry the third

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The girl then jumped back as a small smile was seen on her face. She was getting excited, excited that she's getting to face someone that could be at her skill level.

Pyrrha: Impressive, you managed to block all of that.

Y/n: Thank you, this is all thanks to my skill-

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