Team Selection

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Animal parts flew everywhere and black blood got on everyone's clothes. Some of the blood got on your face but you just licked it.






He then stopped as the whole area was filled of Grimm body parts and black blood. He noticed that there was one more beowulf that was going to attack but it ran off.

Y/n: Uh ah... I don't think so.

You held your hand in the air creating a blue orb in your hand.

Y/n: Mega Flare!

You shot the orb at the scared Grimm which resulted in an explosion blowing up the last Grimm.

Y/n: Hmph....

You turn around to see everyone's shocked faces. You smiled.

Y/n: C'mon, we should be heading back to Ozpin now.

Jaune: That...

Blake: Was....

Nora: AWESOME!!!

Weiss ran up to you.

Weiss: How did you do all of that!? You were flying in the air and blowing the Grimm up with some sort of grenade like thing that you created in your hand?

You chuckled as you patted her head.

Y/n: I'll talk about that later, snow princess, we should head back to the cliff.

She nodded and everyone walked together.

Ruby's mind: So... Cool.

As Y/n and everyone were walking back to the cliff. Weiss was all over you, clearly excited over the recent events that just recently occurred. You tell her again that you'll tell her later and continue walking to the hill. Your former sisters tried talking to you but you only gave them a glare making them tense up. Not only that but they realized that you were the missing brother they were looking for all these years.

Ruby: Yang, I have a feeling that he might be our brother...

Yang: No kidding, he looks exactly like our big brother. That long silver hair, green eyes... He is Y/n.

Ruby: What should we do, big sister?

The busty blonde puts her hand on her chin. An Idea popped in her head.

Yang: Why don't we just call the rest of our family to come over to Beacon. I'm sure they'll know what to do.

Ruby: I guess your right...

20 minutes later...

The group of students arrive at the hill, there they see Ozpin and Glynda waiting for them. Smiles on their faces could be seen from the students as Ozpin clapped his hands.

Ozpin: Well done, well done. Now that all of you have returned, let us go back to the auditorium so I can announce the assigned teams.

The group of students nod their head and begin to follow the headmaster and Glynda back to the school.

Later.... Yet Again..

In the auditorium, the students and you stand on stage in groups as Ozpin stands in front of the stage holding a microphone.

Ozpin: All of you have showed me that you are capable of joining my school and training to become huntsmen. When I call you're name, you come forward so I can announce your team.

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