Brutal Beatdown

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It was then your body moved on its own and started running towards the boy that was holding the girl's ear. You reeled your fist tight as you thrust foreword and punched the students' faces. The boy dropped to the ground as everyone in the cafeteria looked at you, including  your sisters, Blake, and Pyrrha's team.

Y/n: How dare you... Hurt her!

Weiss: Y/n...

The rest of the group of boys ran to their leader to pick him back up. You turned towards Velvet and kneeled down to her.

Y/n: Velvet, are you okay. Please tell me they didn't hurt you too badly.

Velvet started balling out in tears as she hugged you.

Velvet: Y/n, they were hurting my ears and calling me names.

You had a very pissed off look on your face. You turn your body towards the group of boys.

Y/n: Y'know... All of you cut the line earlier purposely, but I let that slide... But bullying a helpless girl is crossing the line. 

Cardin: Another damn freak, do you know who you are dealing with!

Y/n: No, nor do I care, but if you decide to place your hands on my Velvet, then you don't have a reason to be in this world...

The group leader laughed as his team grabbed their weapons and surrounded you.

Velvet: Y/n, please, I don't want you to get hurt.

You turned your head towards Velvet and gave her a warm smile.

Y/n: Don't worry, Bun Bun, I won't.

You gave Velvet a reassuring smile, which made the girl calm down a bit.

Y/n: Don't worry, Velvet, they won't hurt you or bother you ever again, I promise.

You looked back at the group with a stare... A very angry stare, your eyes stared straight towards the brown haired boy with an intent similar like to a predator staring at its prey.

Cardin: You think you're some sort of hot shot?

Y/n: No, I just want to see your faces in agony as I beat the... excuse my language... shit out of you.

As you were about to get ready to defend yourself, the rest of Velvet's team came back into the lunch room.

Coco: Thanks for helping me lift that table, Yatsu.

Yatsu: You're welcome, but man, was that heavy.

Fox: You said it... Huh?

The trio then saw you having a stand-off with Cardin while his team surrounded you, and Velvet was on the ground. Knowing the gist of what was going on, a very pissed off look came across the caramel haired female's face as she started running towards the two teens.

 Knowing the gist of what was going on, a very pissed off look came across the caramel haired female's face as she started running towards the two teens

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