Unpleasant Memory Returned

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Pyrrha: Oh, it's fine. Just some burn marks and a couple of scratches. Nothing to be worried about.

Y/n: If you say so.

Pyrrha: Say, if you don't mind me asking... Before, I heard you talking in your sleep about wanting someone to stop talking.

You widen your eyes as you look at the girl and slowly look at the ground a little sad.

Pyrrha: If you don't feel comfortable, that's alright. I just wanted to know so I can try and help you.

You look at her and smile.

Y/n: I see, thank you.

You look at the sky with a sadden look on your face.

Y/n: Alright, I'll tell you about the tale of my life.




You look at the girl with a sadden look in your eyes that she couldn't help but worry.

Y/n: Have you ever heard of the term "Wolf in sheep's clothing"?

Pyrrha nodded her head as she spoke up to respond to your question.

Pyrrha: Why yes, yes I do. Doesn't it mean that someone hiding their evil intent away and pretend to be a good person.

You nod your head  turning around to have your back face her.

Y/n: Exactly, people hiding away their evil within themselves to fool others that they are something that they are not. It's absolutely despicable.

Pyrrha: Yes, it is but what does have to do with your life, if I may ask?

You looked up at the blue sky as you spoke up.

Y/n: When I was a young boy, I was brutally beaten by my entire family. 

Pyrrha: What...?

The girl's face turned pale as it felt like she just a ghost, she couldn't believe what she heard and took a step foreword.

Pyrrha: Y/n, I really hope... Your lying.

Y/n: I wish... I really wish I was... But it's true.

You slowly take off your uniform and turn around to face the girl, showing your abs. You rub your stomach.

Y/n: But that's not all... I really shouldn't be alive right now with all the abuse my older family did to me.

Pyrrha: Wh-What is that supposed to mean?

Y/n: They decided that they wanted to end my misery once and for all and throw a scythe through my stomach.

You point at the small scar on your stomach, in which the red haired girl took notice of. She walked up and touched the area your scar was, her mouth opens in shock as she looks up at you.

Pyrrha: I'm... I'm sorry, I never expected someone like you would be abused... I...

Y/n: Luckily, life had other plans for me... I was able to run away from that horrible place and be adopted by Velvet's family. 

Pyrrha's eyes formed water as she broke down, she started sniffing. 

Y/n: Hey hey, why are you crying?

Pyrrha: It... it just breaks my heart... That someone like you... A sweet boy like you...

At that moment, the red head beauty wrapped her hands around your body and pressed her body against yours for a hug.

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