The Bastard's That Dares Hurt The Bunny

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Y/n: By all things holy, the weirdest (and best) way to fall I have had.

Blake: I'm really sorry, I wasn't paying attention.

Y/n: Not to worry, I'm fine.

You wiped the blood on your nose.

Y/n: Are you okay?

Blake: Yeah, I am. Thanks to you stoping me from hitting the ground.

Y/n: I see... I intended to catch you but that works too. Glad that you are safe.

The two then stood in silence as they didn't know what to say.

Y/n: So um... Blake what book were you trying to get? I maybe able to get it for you.

Blake: Oh I was trying to get the third volume of Ninjas of Love but I can't. Can you help me?

You nod your head.

Y/n: Why of course.

You walked up the ladder and saw through the section to find the book the young huntress was looking for. You grabbed it thanks to being tall and hopped down.

Blake: Thank you, I really appreciate it.

Y/n: Not a problem.

You hand the book to her and she grabs it.

Blake: Do you want to sit together and read it?

Y/n: That sounds great, let me find a spot to sit.

After the two found a spot to sit at, the two read and talked about the book the whole period. 

After 35 minutes later of reading together, Blake held a satisfied smile on her face as you carried her books. As the two continued to walk together, you fail to notice that both Ruby and Yang were spying on the two students.

Ruby: Big bro has been getting a long with our team members lately.

Yang sighed.

Yang: I wished that he'd do the same with us. 

Ruby: By the way, when is mom and dad and auntie Raven coming?

Yang: They should be coming here later this afternoon.

Ruby: Oh okay, I still feel like this is a bad idea. Y/n did tell us to leave him alone.

Yang: Don't you remember that he went missing after we tried getting help.

Ruby: I do but- 

Yang grabbed her younger sister and ran off to a random direction in the library.

With Coco...

The caramel haired girl was sitting down on her chair with her legs on top of a desk with her arms laid back, behind her head. She was having a conversation with her faunus friend Velvet who was fixing something.

Coco: So tell me Velv... How did the camera break again?

Velvet: I... I dropped it.

Coco: Uh..huh... Suuuure. Why don't you tell me how it actually broke.

The long haired girl started to sweat.

Velvet: W-What are you talking about?

Coco raised her hand towards her face and lowered her glasses revealing her beautiful eyes. Velvet sighed.

Velvet: It was team CRDL that broke it...

Coco: Again?... Ugh what a pain.. I'll deal with them.

Velvet: No please Coco, don't hurt them. It's fine! I can handle myself just fine!

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