The Spar With Pyrrha

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Y/n: Yeah, yeah, let's just move on from this. We still have classes to go to.

Coco: Speaking of which, what class do you have next?

Y/n: I have physics.

Coco: Ouch, good luck. Physics is way too complicated, thank the chocobo's I don't have that.

The doors opened up letting them leave the elevator. The two went their separate ways, waving goodbye to each other, heading to their classes.

Few hours later...

With Ruby...

The younger sister was walking to her dorm with her older sister while holding a bag of cookies that she got from a bakery.

Ruby: Thanks for the cookies, sis.

Yang: Your welcome, my cute little sister.

The blonde sister pinches the cookie lover's cheek making Ruby squeal.

Ruby: Uwaaah... Stop it Yang!

The blonde teen giggles as she let go of her sister.

Yang: I'm sorry, you're just too cute!

Ruby: I am not!

Ruby turns her head to see you reading a book while walking. Yang took notice as she stops to look at you.

Ruby: Big Brother...

She watched as you continue walking on. Dropping the bag of cookies, the young girl runs towards you.




15 Minutes Ago...

It was the end of the day and classes were done, you stretched your arms and yawned.

Y/n: And that's the end of classes for the day and another test that I finished.

Pyrrha: Well, it was certainly easy.

You turned your body to see Pyrrha, you smiled as you nodded your head in agreement.

Y/n: It sure was. Though, Jaune did seem he was having a harder time on it than we did

You point at the blonde boy who was currently crying to himself.

Jaune: Damn it all, Damn it all!

The red head girl placed her hand on the crying boy's shoulder.

Pyrrha: It's okay Jaune.

Y/n: Hey, I have an idea. Why don't we study together, that way we all can get better.

The boy had stars in his eyes as he grabbed your hands.

Jaune: Please do! That'll be really helpful right about now.

Pyrrha: That sounds like a great idea. Maybe tomorrow?

Y/n: Sure, I don't mind.

Jaune: Same here.

Y/n: By the way, where is Nora and Ren?

Pyrrha: I think they already left the second that class ended.

Gathering your things and standing up off your chair.

Y/n: I see. Anyways, shall we get going? 

Jaune: Ah crap... I forgot to hand this assignment in to my other teacher. I'll catch up with you guys later.

The blonde boy then quickly ran off by himself leaving the two of you alone. Both of you exited the classroom and walked down the hallway.

Y/n: Man, he is all over the place. Are you sure Ozpin picked the right guy to be the leader?

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