Getting Ready For The Test

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He placed the Schnee down on the ground. She bowed to him.

Weiss: Thank you for helping. May I ask for your name?

Y/n: Names Y/n.

Weiss: I see, may I ask you another question?

Y/n: Ask as many questions princess, I won't get bored of you.

Weiss blushed and giggled.

Weiss: Well... I wanted to know what to know what soap do you use for your hair? It's so silky and smooth.

Y/n chuckles.

Y/n: The most expensive one.

Weiss: I see.

Suddenly... They heard the intercom...

Would all the newcomers please go to the auditorium please...

Y/n: Can you take your stuff?

Weiss: No no, it's fine. I can do it.

Y/n nodded his head as he waves his hand at her.

Y/n: See you later ice princess.

With that he walked away.

About 20 minutes later....

Y/n is now in the auditorium where he saw everyone including his former sisters. Y/n thinks to himself.

Y/n: Since both Coco and Velvet are second years, they won't be here with me. Maybe I should text them to tell them I'm fine.

He pulls out his scroll and texts Velvet. Once he was done, he put the device away. Ozpin came up to the stage and greeted everyone. He then introduced everyone to Beacon and etc. Once Ozpin told everyone to a room that they will spend the night in, Y/n quickly grabbed his stuff and ran off. He opened the door to see a big room. He unpacked his bags. He then took off his shirt revealing his sculpted muscles making every girl in the room stare at him. He then laid down on the floor and but his head on his pillow.

Y/n: Maybe I should take a short nap.

He quickly closed his eyes and fell asleep.

Two hours later....

Y/n woke up from his nap to see that it was night time. He stood up and cracked his neck. He grabbed his sword and walked down to the balcony. Unknown to him a certain cat faunus was watching him leave. Blake was in her pajamas reading her book.

Blake: Hm? Where is he going?

Y/n then stands on top of the railing and jumps off which makes Blake widen eye.

Blake: Oh God.

Blake placed her book down and ran out the room and into the balcony. She looks down to see if the silver haired angel was hurt but she sees him okay. He the walks into the forest by himself. Blake exhaled.

Blake: For a second there I thought he died..

She then goes back to the room and continues reading her book.




Y/n runs in the forest alone with Masamune in hand as he continues running in the forest that is infested with Grimm. He smiles as he sees multiple red eyes in the dark. He then placed both of his hands on the handle of the blade and got into a stance.

 He then placed both of his hands on the handle of the blade and got into a stance

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