Angelic Feathers

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Y/n: To be honest... I thought it would look a little better.

The ground starts to shake as Y/n began to see multiple eyes in the

Y/n: Hm?

Suddenly he gets hit with object that sends him through the cave rocks and a couple of trees. He crashed on the ground.

Y/n: Huh that caught me by surprise..

He got back on his feet as he spit out a little bit of blood. Luckily for him, he had the relic in his hand. He puts it in his pocket. He sees the Grimm crawl out of the cave to reveal a Death Stalker.

Y/n: Looks like their are strong Grimm here. Good.

He lifted his hand towards the Death stalker. He then snapped his fingers and suddenly 3 purple orbs surrounds the Grimm. He dashes to the beast and with a quick swing of his blade, he cuts off it's arm. The beast roars as it tried to use it's other arm to swipe Y/n away. Unfortunately for the Grimm, the man with silver hair back flipped away and slashed the air creating beams from the blade cutting the death stalker in pieces. He then turns around and walks away.

Y/n: This is over...

The purple orbs that were circling around the now in pieces death stalker started closing in on it and blew it to smithereens leaving nothing of the beast.

Back in Beacon...

The upperclassmen saw the destruction that Y/n did. Some were surprised and some were excited. With a grin on her face, Coco cheered for her lover as Velvet exhaled in relief. Coco wrapped her arm around Velvet's shoulder.

Coco: See Velv's there's nothing to worry about, Hubby can take care of himself.

Velvet: ... I guess you're right coco, though he did get hurt earlier.

Coco: He's fine, he can heal fast remember?

Velvet: Yeah...

Blake and Yang were walk together in the forest, Yang has her hands behind her head with a carefree look on her face.

Yang: Man, if the initiation was this easy I don't have to worry about Ruby getting hurt at all.

Blake: Look it's the relics!

The Belladonna points at the location which makes Yang shot her head up to see multiple chess pieces on the pedestal.

Yang: Not only that but the rest of them are there too! Let's go take them.

The two girls ran to the pedestal and grabbed the relics. Yang grabbed the one that looked like a horse while Blake grabbed the one that looked like a Queen.

Yang: Sweet, we got them.

With Weiss...

Weiss held her rapier in her hand as multiple Grimm started closing in on herm

Weiss's mind: Remember your training Weiss. Head up. Shoulders back. Right foot forward. Slow your breathing, wait for the right time to strike and...

Weiss then dashes at the beowolves and was about to strike until Ruby appeared and interfered and made Weiss shoot the wrong direction and burned a tree.

Weiss: Damnit.

Ruby: Hey watch it.

Weiss: Excuse me. You attack out of turn, I could've hurt you.

Ruby: you have to try harder than that.

Suddenly the fire occurred and was spreading fast. Weiss quickly grabbed Ruby and ran off somewhere.

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