Grimm Slayer...

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About 10 minutes later...

Y/n and the rest of the new comers including Ruby and Yang were all standing on at the edge of a cliff. He saw Weiss on the left side while Blake on the other side. The two girls stared at Y/n as they both licked their lips in lust while the unaware Y/n was thinking to himself. Ozpin was explaining the rules of how the initiation would work. Y/n already knew this thanks to Velvet telling him beforehand.

Weiss: Hey Y/n...

He looks at the Schnee female

Y/n: Yes Weiss~?

Weiss: I-I um... Wanted to tell you um... To be careful out there and... Um I uh..

Blake: Wish that we can be teammates.

Y/n and Weiss turn their heads to see Blake. Weiss gave a glare at her while Blake smirked.

Y/n: Likewise, being teammates with two beautiful girls would be amazing. Hopefully that comes true~

Blushes came across the two girls faces as he smiled.

Ozpin: Alright then, the initiation starts...

Y/n held Masamune in hand as he got ready.

Ozpin pulls a lever.

Ozpin: Now!

Just then everyone gets shot from the ground into the forest.

In Beacon....

The second years were watching the New comers initiation. Velvet watched as they see Y/n gliding in the air with his long blade in his hand.

Velvet: Please Y/n be okay.

Coco: He's going to be fine Velv, trust me. We've went through this easily when it was our first year here. I'm sure hubby will do the same, besides he has the one wing. He's totally good.

Velvet: Yeah.

Back To Y/n...

Y/n moved his hand upward as he slowly descended to the ground. This was him using his gravity manipulation ability. He landed on the ground.

Y/n: Heh... Hopefully this'll will be challenging.

He then slashed some trees with his sword as a smirk crept on his face




Y/n runs further into the forest looking for the relics Ozpin wanted, with his blade in hand he quickly zips through any Grimm that stand in his way. Y/n thought to himself.

Y/n's mind: So there is four pieces of these relics for each person. Counting on the people that were here that should be about...25 relics in total.

He then stops running and places his hand on his chin.

Y/n: Wouldn't that mean that there would be a person with no team? A One Man Team? That means that...


A young Y/n was on the floor for another beating from his "parents". He lays on the floor all bloody as he slowly gets back up. He cracks his back.

Y/n: .. They really had to beat me with a burning frying pan.

He got up from the ground to slowly walk towards the small window in his room to see a small bird and its parents chirping. Y/n watches in sadness as he sees the nice bird family.

Y/n: .... Why do they chose to make my life this bad?

Suddenly the door flung open to reveal a young Yang and Ruby. These two young girls had a grin on their faces as they held some sort of item in their hands.

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