A 'Touching' Reunion

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Walking down the hall to your dorm, you had a small smile on your face. You looked down at your sword and saw the reflection of yourself on it.

Y/n: I have to continue improving myself to protect others... It's the only way I should use this power of mine.

Just as you were close to your dorm door, you saw that your door looked off, it looked like someone broke it off it's hinges and someone fixed it.

Y/n: Was that always like that and i just haven't noticed?

You slowly raised your hand and turned the door knob, opening the door to see...

Welcome Back!!!

You widen your eyes as you stood frozen to see them...

Summer, Tai, Raven, Qrow, Ruby and Yang all in your dorm room all at once. Most of them smiling and waving at you.

Your body just stopped entirely moving, nothing in your mind was being processed correctly and stood there. That's when Summer rose up from your bed and walked over to you, one step to the next as she approaches closer to you. She opens her arms out, trying to give you a warm hug.

Summer: My Baby Boy has Grown Up... I'm So So Happy!




You're body shook as the woman walked closer and closer, it's like if the devil was in front of you but instead of having red skin, horns and a pointy tail it was a woman that had short hair with red tips at the end. The woman wore a white cloak around her neck and wore an huntress outfit, an outfit which you couldn't get out of your head ever since that day. The smile on her face as she approached you made your whole body shiver in fear. You tried to spit out words but they couldn't come out.

Summer: Aw, you're shaking out of excitement... How cute!~

Closer and closer, the woman was one step away from wrapping her arms around your body.

Qrow: Hey Summer, wait I don't think-MMPH!!

The black haired man's mouth was covered by his sister by shoving a canteen in his mouth.

Raven: Shush, let her be.

Just one more step was all Summer needed for that hug of hers to finally wrap around your body.

You quickly jumped back, your back hitting the wall, Summer tilted her head in confusion.

Summer: Hey, why did you move back?

You glared at the woman.

Y/n: You know exactly why... Don't screw with me!

Summer: C'mon Y/n, surely after all this time you have to forgive us. 

Y/n: You're wrong, you're... you're..

Summer took another step.

Y/n: Don't take another step, you devil!

Summer dropped her hands and had a concerned look on her face.

Summer: I'm sorry...

Y/n: No, your not... If you were, then none of you would have done the things that you did to me!

You yelled as the woman stood quiet.

Summer: Alright, but can we please not yell in the hallway. I don't want anyone else to hear.

You stood quiet and just stared at the woman.

Y/n: ... I'm leaving.

Summer: No wait!

This Will Be Your Final Fantasy (Abused Male Sephiroth X Rwby)Where stories live. Discover now