Cliff Throwing Ozpin

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Blake blushed as she ate her tuna. Y/n laughed as he took a bite out of his food. Blake turned to him to see that there was crumbs on his cheeks. He turned to her with a confused look on her face.

Y/n: Hm, what's wrong Blake?

Blake: You got something on your cheek, here let me get it.

She then went up to Y/n's face and licked the crumbs on his face. Y/n had a wide grin on his face.

Y/n: Instead of wiping it, you licked it. Naughty girl.

Blake giggled. The two finished their food and were about to leave until they see more students coming to the cafeteria.

Y/n: Looks like it's time that I get ready too.

Blake: Alright then, I'll see you later Y/n.

The two waved at each other and went their separate ways. Y/n went back to the big room to see people getting into their gear. Some of them were trying to impress some of the girls but failed miserably like that blonde boy who was trying to get Weiss's attention. He also sees a girl with red hair tying her hair to a ponytail. He walks to his bags and picks it up. He takes out the rest of his clothes and puts it on. He grabs Masamune and walks out.

Y/n: Wished that they had bigger lockers for my sword. No matter, I guess I'll have to carry it.
Y/n was seen walking to the locker room with his suit on. He hummed to himself as he walks into the locker room.

Y/n: Now where is it... I have to get it before the initiation.

Looking for the locker number he put the object he was looking in he noticed a girl with red hair and Weiss were talking to each other. It was the same red haired girl from before. He walked near them to see if his locker was there and luckily for him it was. He opened it to see a picture of a young Velvet and Y/n together. He smiles as he sees the both of them happily smiling at the camera.

Weiss: Hello Y/n, how are you doing this fine morning?

Y/n turns around to see the lovely Weiss with the red haired girl. Weiss was blushing while looking at the handsome man. The man smiles as he waves.

Y/n: Well hello Weiss, I'm doing just great now that you're here~

Weiss has a blush on her face while letting out an embarrassed laugh. Y/n then looks to the red head.

 Y/n then looks to the red head

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Pyrrha Nikos

Y/n: And you must be the beautiful Pyrrha Nikos I've heard so much about.

He grabs her hand and shakes it making her blush.

Pyrrha: O-Oh really?

Y/n: Of course! I heard you are super strong. Wonder if I can go toe to toe with the great warrior such as yourself.

Pyrrha: From the aura that you carry on you, you are very excited.

Y/n: Yeah I am! It's only rare that I sense a strong opponent.

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