Heading To Beacon

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Ozpin: Hehe glad we can come to an agreement. Now if you excuse us, we will take our leave.

With that they left... Leaving the silver haired swordsman and his bunny mother alone. His mom turns to him.

Mrs. Scarlatina: Let me get you're dinner ready sweetie.

She then runs off. She comes back later with the food in hand and gives it to her son which he happy takes it and takes his first bite.

Y/n: Thank you mother, you're cooking always makes me have a peace of mind.

Mrs. Scarlatina: Aww thanks sweetie, I am lucky to have a son like you.

She looks at the time and it was late.

Mrs. Scarlatina: Oh dear Y/n, it's getting late. Why don't you get ready while you finish up you're dinner and head straight to bed.

Y/n shook his head.

Y/n: Yes mom, goodnight.

Mrs. Scarlatina: Goodnight, don't let the bed bugs bite.

He then walks into his room. He closes the door and turns his light on only to see Coco in a Virgin killer sweater and wearing black thigh highs on his bed.

Coco: Hubby~

Y/n: ... GET OUT!

Coco licked her lips.

Coco: Uh-ah, I got a hot date with that yummy meat stick of yours and I ain't going to leave this house until I do~!

Y/n: Can I at least finish eating before this happens!

Coco puts the plate down and forcefully French kisses him.

Y/n: Gert uff mwe! (Get off me)

Coco: Hmmm~

She then lowers her hand and grabs his crotch and squeezes it.

With Ruby...

She was currently on a bike with a long haired blonde with lilac eyes.... Yep this was of course Yang Xiao Long.

Yang: I can't wait to tell everyone the good news!

Ruby: ...

Yang: What's wrong sis? You look a little sad?

Ruby: It's just... That guy that helped me... He looked familiar, like I've seen him before.... He looked like...

Yang: Rubes... It's been years since the disappearance of our big brother... But if he's still out there, we have to find him and bring him home.

Ruby: Yeah...

The next day...

Y/n was on his bed, shirtless, exhausted, sweaty and had a bunch of kiss marks all over his body as he's been up the whole night doing intercourse with Coco who was now sucking him off. She pumped her hand up and down as she had her mouth on tip of his 'Masamune'.

Coco: Sluurp! Slurrrrp!

Y/n's hair was a mess as he tried to get the girl to stop. It was no use, she bopped her head up and down swallowing his shaft.

Coco: Mmm, sho yummy~

Coco gave his dick a long lick with her tongue making Y/n grunt.

Y/n: Coco stop it already, we've been doing this for a long time now.

Her heart shaped eyes shot up to look at him as she gave a wink and shoved her mouth deep into his dick. With that happening, Y/n couldn't hold it in anymore as he shot his load into her mouth making her widen eye.

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