Hitting The Books

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You continue moving her head up and down which made the caramel skinned female to deep throat you.

Coco: Urgh....Sllluuurppp.. mrph...

Y/n: Coco... I'm about to.. Hnnnng!


You felt your end approaching so you grabbed Coco's head and slammed it all the way down cumming in her mouth. After 15 seconds on non-stop cumming, you finally relax as Coco slid her mouth off of your dick with a pop noise. She had a bit of cum on her lip. She then licked her lips.

Coco: Mm~ Thank you for the meal~

You grabbed her cheek and caressed it. You then whispered in her ear.

Y/n: We'll continue this later.

Coco shivered by your words but that only turned her on more. You then fixed your pants and grabbed the controller and searched through the channels. Just then the door opened up to reveal Velvet holding a bucket of popcorn and candy.

Velvet: Sorry that I took so long, the line was long but I got the snacks now!

Y/n: Good, then we're all set for our movie.

Velvet: What movie are we watching?

Y/n: Terminator 2.

Velvet's ears flapped as she rushed over to sit at the couch next to you.

Velvet: Oh goodie, I love that movie.

She places the food down.

Velvet: Do you guys want me to serve you some popcorn?

Y/n: Sure, I'll have some.

Velvet: What about you Coco?

Coco: No thanks, I already had my fill already~

Velvet: Oh okay then.

Coco then sits on the other side of you and you press the button to start the movie.
One week later...

It was morning, the sun was rising in the sky making light shine down in Remnant. You opened your eyes to be blinded by the sun. You stretched your arms and yawned.

Y/n: My, it's already morning?

You got up from the bed and walked to the bathroom. He turned on the faucet letting water flow on the sink. You grabbed a handful and splashed some on your face. You did this for a couple of seconds, you then grabbed your toothbrush and toothpaste and put it in your mouth. After you brushed your teeth you hopped in the shower to clean yourself for the day. Once you were done, you got out of the bathroom and grabbed your things like your backpack and quickly grabbed a piece of Toast. He opened the door to his room and walked out of the room. While walking, he finishes the piece of toast and takes out his scroll.

Y/n: So I have first period with... Mr. Oobleck, if I remember correctly that room is 274.

As you make your way to first period, you accidentally bumped into someone.

???: Oomph!

The said person falls to the ground.

Y/n: I'm sorry, I wasn't paying attention.

???: No no, it's my fault. Sorry about that.

You look down to see Pyrrha. You kneel down and grabbed her hand.

Y/n: Here, let me help you up.

You picked her up from the ground.

Pyrrha: Thank you, Y/n.

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