Taking That Extra Step

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Everyone is quiet as they turn their heads to see Taiyang holding a baby.

Tai: What should we do with him...?

Raven: I can give him to some of the members of the tribe.

Qrow: I don't think that's a good idea Raven.

Summer: Maybe we can take him with us.

Tai: Are you sure... That means we're going to have to take care of three children now that you two are pregnant.

Summer: It's fine Tai, we can handle it.

Tai: Alright then... We'll keep him.

Qrow: What about the lady that was carrying her?

Tai: Leave her, she's already dead.

With that they walked away and took the baby with them. As they do... The baby opens his green eyes to look at the sunny sky beam down on him.

That was 6 years ago... That little baby was now 6 years olds, his name was Y/n. He had short silver hair with dull green eyes. Before they were beautiful turquoise color but now it wasn't... Why? It's because of all the abuse he's been in. Now who was the one that was abusing him? Criminals, bandits...? Nah the one's that were abusing him was everyone in STRQ. Not only that but his 'younger sisters' were doing it too! The reason behind them abusing is unknown... But they were having a good time doing so.

 But they were having a good time doing so

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Young Y/n

Y/n never said a word and will get beaten to a bloody pulp. At first it did hurt but after a few years, it didn't hurt him anymore. Though it still hurts that they keep calling him useless and saying mean things about him. They don't allow him to have fun with kids outside, nor let him do anything. They force him to cook, clean and make him stay in this room that has just a blanket and a window. Y/n walked towards the window to look outside to see Ruby and Yang playing with the weapons that Qrow gave them. Y/n sighs to himself.

Y/n: I wish... I can play with them.. But mom, dad and the others will hurt me if I ask..

Hearing footsteps rapidly approach the young child's room, Y/n closed his eyes. The door was kicked open revealing 'Loving' mother, Summer Rose. Summer grabbed his arm to drag him out the room and pushed him off the stairs. 





The sound of Y/n's body crashing on the stairs can be heard as he then hit the floor spitting out blood.

Y/n: Grk!

Summer: Get up you piece of shit! 

Y/n slowly gets up from the ground only to get kicked in the face by Raven.

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