37| A New Begininng..

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"Jay wakeup! you've been sleeping like a log since yesterday." Banina said smacking Jalilah's ass.

"What the hell? why in the world would you smack me so hard Banina?." She grogged out annoyingly.

"I ought to fool, Mummy said you should take your bath and dress up, it's almost 1pm for God's sake Jalilah." Banina exclaimed.

"And it's your freaking wedding for that matter, duh!" She added before exiting the room. Jalilah on the other hand almost cried out of frustration before standing up and making her way to the bathroom staggering in the process.

She added the scented perfumes Falmata instructed her to always add in her bathing water before taking her bath.
She relaxed in the bathtub her tired limbs slowly relaxing away, Jalilah closed her eyes thinking of the new life she was about to enter. Ya Allah! she hopes it will be an easy ride for the both of them.

She wrapped up and came out of the shower twenty minutes later and headed to the vanity table to scrub her lotion and do the other needful.

She was drying her hair when Hajiya Khadijah came in carrying a white dress and a maid alongside carrying a tray of meal. She smiled upon sighting Jalilah. She's noticed her girl's cold feet since yesterday and she understands how she feels.

"Look at the bride who wakes up at 1pm on her wedding day." Hajiya Khadijah teased and Jalilah chuckled.

"Good afternoon Mummy. I was so tired from yesterday's luncheon."

"It's okay my dear, you can rest all you want after today. Eat then wear this dress." Hajiya Khadijah said keeping the dress on the neatly made bed.

"Thanks Mummy." Jalilah weakly smiled and collected the tray from the maid. Hajiya Khadijah collected the tray from her and dished out the food.

"I'm going to feed you myself my baby." Hajiya Khadijah smiled and Jalilah's heart melted. Oh! how she loves this woman!

"Mummy, i really don't want to leave you all."She said on the verge of tears.

"Shh, don't make me also tear up, and who told you you're leaving us? we're a one united family. we're still together my dear. You and Jalal might be leaving this house today but your memories forever lives here."

"Besides, it's just a twenty minutes drive from here, you can see us anytime you want." She added feeding her a spoonful.

"Mummy can't we just live here all together? we can right?"

Hajiya Khadijah smiled and nodded.
"This house is both you and Jalal's but it's better you move on to yours and create your own family."

"I'm really going to miss you Mummy."

"I'm going to miss you more my baby." Hajiya Khadijah smiled and pecked her forehead.

After she was done feeding her, she helped Jalilah dressed into the white expensive lace she brought with her which was sewn into a fitted gown that perfected her figure.

Jalilah looked extremely beautiful even without a makeup glammed up on her face. Hajiya Khadijah tied her head gear to perfection and a bridal veil was thrown over her head.

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