3| Heated

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~All is fair in love and war♡~


Jalilah came in looking very angry.

"My baby is back!" Hajiya Khadijah smiled descending from the stairs and moves towards Jalilah before stretching her arms for a hug. From her daughter's face, she knew the day didn't went well for her.

Jalilah didn't say a word nor give in the hug instead made her way upstairs to her room.

"What happened to her Banina?" Hajiya Khadijah asked Banina who is now laughing together with Nabeel.

"Why are you guys laughing? Tell me!" Hajiya Khadijah said scooping Alaina in her arms before smooching a kiss on her cheeks.

"Will you two care to tell me what happened to my Jalilah?" Hajiya Khadijah said raising a brow at them.

"Her literature master punished her because she misplaced her textbook." Banina explained with a shrug.

"Hm! May Allah show me the day Jalilah will finally be responsible. He did the right thing." Hajiya Khadijah sighed.

Meanwhile,Jalilah took her bath and prayed. She changed into something more comfy. She plumped down on her bed and took out her phone replying her WhatsApp messages when Hajiya Khadijah came into the room dressed in a Maroon lace which complimented her fair skin. It was sewn into a boubou which looked extremely beautiful on her. Jalilah always wondered the type of body and beauty her Aunt possess. She's always looking younger than her age.

Jalilah looked away from her Aunt and returned her gaze back to her phone.

Jalilah 5'9 feet tall is a beautiful young lady. Brown in complexion, not so fair and not so dark also. Rather, the dusky tone. Her eyes brown doe like and not to talk of her long lashes. She has a thin prominent nose and a small cute pink lips. Her hair thick and long that reaches her middle back. As a teenager, she has the average curves at the right places.

"What happened to my Jalilah?" Hajiya Khadijah smiled sitting next to her daughter on the bed.

Jalilah just pouted her lips and concentrated more on her phone. She's in no mood to talk to anyone.

"I'm talking to you Jalilah! Haven't i warned you countless time not to ignore people when speaking to you?"

"I'm sorry." She muttered under her breath.

"What happened? Tell me my dear." Hajiya Khadijah softly asked cupping her cheeks.

"It's nothing to worry much! Just had a hectic day today at school." Jalilah shrugged.

"It's Alright my dear. I've prepared your favorite today, let's go and have lunch. You must be hungry." Hajiya Khadijah smiled.

"Sure Mummy, i will be right there. Go ahead." Jalilah smiled and Hajiya Khadijah nodded and left. Jalilah sighed and returned her gaze back to her phone. She is in no mood for anything! Not even eating her lunch!.

The next day, Jalilah and her friends were in the cafeteria when a group of three girls came in. They headed straight to where Jalilah and her friends were seated.

Jalilah frowned her face when she saw them. Those girls spell trouble. They never make peace with anyone.

"What? What is it this time? Why are you even here?" She asked in annoyance raising her brow.

"We came here to warn you Jalilah!" The first girl seethed who happens to be the group leader between the three of them.

"And if i may ask, why? What has she done?" Kausar, Jalilah's friend retorted.

"Allow her to me Kay." Jalilah smirked and stood up daring the three girls that came. She moved closer to her before poking her index finger on the girl's chest. The girl who is named Iman used her hands and angrily swatted Jalilah's hands away.

"What's the warning about?" Jalilah said, her face contorted with humor.

"Stay away from my brother! Or else!" She seethe.

"Or else what?? What can you do Iman?! Me and Aslam are in a relationship and there's nothing you can do to change the fact! So back off!" Jalilah fumed and left the place with her two friends trailing behind her.

"What happened between you and Iman Jalilah?" Banina asked when they were on their way home.

"She picked my trouble first." Jalilah said her head buried with what she was doing in her phone.

"Whatever was it Jalilah! You still shouldn't have slapped her!"

Jalilah immediately whipped her head towards Jalilah.
"Are you seriously taking sides now? And who even told you i slapped her?"

"She told me Jalilah! Iman would never lie."

"Oh! Is she some kind of saint or what?! And are you seriously taking her side on this Banina?" Jalilah stated in a high pitched voice.

"She's my friend remember?!" Banina replied in the same tone. Nabeel put on his headphones to stop hearing their bickering.

"And i'm your sister! Weren't you supposed to ask me what happened instead of throwing blames at me??" Jalilah yelled.

"Stop yelling at me Jalilah! I'm older." Banina reprimanded.

"Older with just five months?! I don't care!" Jalilah let out a snicker. She had no idea what suddenly came over her sister's head.

"You girls should stop fighting please." Their driver, Baba Ali reprimanded. Little Alaina looked from one fuming sister to another.

The rest of the drive home was silent. When they reached home, everyone went to their various rooms without saying a word to each other which made Hajiya Khadijah suspicious.

Written on: 3.10 20
Edited on : 17.4.22🖤.

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