100 ways to annoy Shockwave

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1) Refer to him as the original Cyclops.

2) Tell him quite frankly his plans to destroy Megatron are weak. Starscream definitely has a better chance than he does.

3) Laugh at Shockwave's Cybertronian gun-mode and say "Don't you wish you were that big!"

4) Throw out illogical answers and questions that make absolutely no sense.

5) Inform Shockwave that hiding his emotions is bad and cause serious damage to his health and mental capabilities. He needs to see a counselor!

6) Inform Shockwave that his demeanor is not all that intimidating. A giant, purple, one-eyed weirdy. Really?

7) Rig Shockwave's cannon so that it blows out teddy bears.

8) Inform Shockwave that Soundwave is watching him and not the other way around as he predicted. You are no stealth-ninja of darkness Shockwave. Sorry.

9) Tell Shockwave to pick on 'bots and 'cons his own size. Shouldn't he be taking care of those who actually could cause him a threat first?

10) Tell Bayformers Shockwave that his pet got more screen-time then he did. Obviously he's not as threatening as he thought.

11) Talk about Bayformers Shockwave being overtaken by a human parachute. Talk about owned.

12) Adding to 11, mention how much it must have sucked to have been knuckle-slammed and torn up by Optimus Prime… and then to have his eye ripped out. Lovely.

13) Listen to 'Shockwave's Revenge' music from Dark of the Moon. Then ask bluntly what revenge Shockwave actually got.

14) Ask Shockwave how his relationship is going with Megatron/Starscream/etc.

15) Tell Shockwave Megatron only let him win to boost his self-esteem.

16) Show TFA Shockwave all the pictures of him and Blurr together and loudly scream. "GET IT SHOCKWAVE, GET IT!"

17) Annd never call him "Rudolph". Any  guesses why not?

18) Replace G1 Shockwave's missing hand with a hook, then tell him that he and TFP Breakdown should start a pirate crew together.

19) Climb up on his shoulder and try to press his "eye" like a button.

20) Compare him to the PORTAL overlord.

21) Tell him that Hal 9000 from "2001: A Space Odyssey" is a better one-eyed computer buddy than him.

22) Say that the killing of a loved character is not a good way to get fans.

23) Tell him that grey is the new purple not the other way around.

24) Ask him if he liked to be boxed around in DOTM. At least Starscream died with a bang, and we all know Mr. Bay's gonna pull something outta his ass to revive Screamer. If only we could say that about poor old Shocky....

25) Tell him that he won't appear in Prime since it seems that it will only have one season and that Soundwave is doing is job better then him.

26) Tell him that he has gained ALOT of weight between TFA and DOTM,and you are unsure if it is all muscle.

27) Then poke him and you say it is the first soft metal you have ever felt.

28) Call Shockwave an evil kitty, what with those cat ears and all.

29) Call him cute.

30) Tell him that he was not a badass.

31) Call him "Blinky."

32) Tell the cartoon continuity Shockwave that in another dimension (the comic continuity) he overthrows Megatron and becomes Decepticon leader. This oughta make his brain REALLY think.

33) Ask him what happened to his hand.

34) Ask Shockwave what happens to that gray thing that acts as the gun part that goes away when he transforms.

35) Tell Shockwave that in Transformers Energon, there are two wannabe dopplegangers of him in the show named Shockblast and Sixshot who are a disgrace to him. Remind him of how inferior they are to him.

36) Ask him how does he feel.

37) Ask Shockwave how things that should embarrass him make him feel.

38) Ask Bayformers Shockwave what it was like being frozen in Soviet Russia until Megatron freed him.

39) Make Soviet Russia jokes to Bayformers Shockwave.

40) Ask Bayformers Shockwave why he never transformed. At all. not even once.

41) Ask Bayformers Shockwave what it was like being upstaged by Sentinel Prime as the new anticipated villain of the next movie.

42) Call Bayformers Shockwave "The other Iceman."

43) Ask TFA Shockwave if he's Santa's missing reindeer.

44) Ask TFA Shockwave why he and Longarm are never in the same room together.

45) Ask Bayformers Shockwave that if he had a voice would he have called Megatron royalty.

46) Tell him that the bug design only worked for Crankcase.

47) Ask him if the regrets giving Megatron his transformation gear just so Megatron could have add a few wings on his tank mode.

48) Ask him why he listend to you about 23. Doesn't he know that it was bullshit, and pink is the new grey? 

49) Ask him if he liked being the new pet of Megatron. Tell Shockwave that Starscream is already plotting to replace him.

50) Tell him that fighting is good excersize and that he shouldn't let his own pet do all the work.

51) Ask him if he would have chosen a truck mode so he could have been with Megatron and Sentinel on top of the roof of that building.

52) Ask Bayformers if he knows that the thiner you are, the better you are at fighting back.

53) Then tell him that his TFA incarnation at least killed a bot or two before he got KOd. That's more damage to the Autobots than Bayverse Shockwave did with that wormy-thingy in DotM. 

54) Tell him he needs target practice.

55) Tell Shockwave that a human could outsmart him, and one already has. (And we all know that this is Terra XD; )

56) When ever he is around play the song 'One eye one horn giant purple people eater'.

57) Regarding to number 17; get Annabelle Lennox to tell Shockwave that he is really a red nose reindeer, covince him to dress up as a reindeer and pester him to spread the Christmas spirit all over the world. Kudos if she managed to get Ironhide to take on the role of Santa Claus and Shockwave to pull the sleigh.

58) Ask him why he never bothered to replace his hand.

59) Ask Shockwave if ANY of his perfect, 100% foolproof, logical plans went the way he designed them to go.

60) Sing "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer" incessantly. Better yet, switch out "Rudolph" for Shockwave, and Red-Nosed for Red-Eyed.

61) Ask Bayformers Shockwave if he wants to go skydiving.

62) Tell TFA Shockwave he can now get into an antler fight with Megatron from armada. Imply that they're fighting over Starscream.

63) Ask G1 Shockwave if he's a double D cup.

64) Or some other rather large bra size that would accommodate his rather distracting chest.

65) Show him how Starscream died on DOTM, then mention how he died pretty sadly; taken down by mere humans, and that he died a waaaay better death. But then act like you're thinking for a second and say, "Then again, YOU weren't exactly missed, either. In fact, I don't think anyone really cared." +100 points if Soundwave overhears, and +1000 points if he tells everyone about it.

66) While TFA Shockwave is sleeping, get some lipstick and give him a clown smile.

67) Beg TFA Shockwave to say the words "The plan is going swimmingly, my leige." over and over.

68) Stand still. Remain calm. Scream random paradoxes. For example: "This statement is false!", "New mission: refuse the mission!", "Does a set of all sets contain itself?".

69) Convince Thundercraker and Skywarp to paint themselves both as Starscream. Have them walk up to Shockwave and have them say "One of us always lies and one of us only tells the truth." Make sure they lie about everything.

70) Ask him what it's like to get his butt kicked by the Dinobots (reference to IDW Publishing's comics). Now THOSE are some scary mechs. Maybe he should take some lessons from them? 

71) Call Shockwave, Mr. Shiny or Uncle Shocky.

72) Try to correct him.


74) Ask how Shockwave managed to displace Megatron if he couldn't even fend off a few NASCAR-bots in DOTM.

75) Tell DOTM Shockwave that he need to switch his normal boring eye for a laser just in case another parachute covers his eye again (he should learn his lesson).

76) Also tell G1 Shockwave that he needs a program that'll help him lock on the targets he's trying to shoot, because he has HORRIBLE aim.

77) Dress up as a troll face Bayformers Optimus Prime and shout (in OP's voice),"SHOCKWAVE! Y U NO HAVE FACE?!"

78) Play "The Logical Song" by Scooter over and over again.

79) Cheerfully offer him some energon, then look at his lack of a mouth, frown, and say in a sad voice, "Oh, I'm terribly sorry. I thought ALL Decepticons could drink this stuff." Then walk away.

80) Explain to him that he is a girl's toy since he always dresses up in purple and pink. It's only logical.

81) Ask TFA Shockwave why he doesn't just use his Longarm face while he's in Decepticon form. He could stand a better chance at attracting a femmecon if he just had a kisser.

82) Also ask TFA Shockwave how it's even remotely possible to have a chin without having a face.

83) Show him every internet meme in existence, including this one.

84) Force him to watch every episode of "The Big Bang Theory" on DVD.

85) Every time Sheldon Cooper appears on screen, shout, "HEY LOOK!!! IT'S YOU!!!"

86) Refer to him as 'Shockwave Cooper' or 'Sheldon' for a full week.

87) Legally change your name to Penny so that anytime 'Shockwave Cooper' needs to talk to you, he has to knock on your door three times while saying your name.

88) While he's in power-down mode, draw a false eye next to his real eye, only looking up, then add a fake smile with a tongue sticking out. When he walks by you the next morning, say, "Good morning, DERPwave!"

89) Ask Shockwave when he decided to change his sex. That chest can't possibly belong to a male transformer.

90) Offer to take Shockwave by Victoria's Secret. It's about time (s)he started wearing a bra.

91) Curl up in a fetal position, then shout to G1 Shockwave, "OH NO!!! UNICRON'S GONNA SQUASH US WITH HIS BARE HAND!!!!"

92) Tell him that Megatron was, is, and always will be the better gun.

93) Crush TFA Shockwave into a cube, then tell him, "Karma: It's only logical."

94) Fill TFA Shockwave's room with light blue metal cubes. Have Soundwave hide behind some while imitating Blurr's voice in a creepy manner.

95) Tell G1 Shockwave that guns are so last century. It's all about tanks now.

96) Ask him about his depth perception.

97) Tell DotM Shockwave that Soundwave had the cooler pets.

98) Then ask DotM Shockwave why RotF Ravage wasn't his pet. It would only seem logical for a one-eyed 'con to have a one-eyed pet.

99) When Shockwave informs you that he has his eye on you, ask him what he uses to watch where he's going. Be sure to do this when there's an obstruction in his way.

100) Ask him how it feels when Megatron pulls his trigger.

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