100 ways to annoy Blitzwing

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So sorry for the long delay! I had this one ready for absolutely ages, but I just forgot to post it, I guess. Meh, better late than never, right? So, here it is!
Language/risque. Yeah, you guys remember that drill. Enjoy!

1) Grab the Master Disaster's remote from TFA's 'Velocity' episode. Have fun making Blitzwing do whatever you want. That's right, Blitz', WHATEVER the fangirls want.

2) Drive Icy and Hothead crazy by prompting more skits, tea party's, games, and human-phrases and songs with Random.

3) Tell Random how funny it would be to put mutated space barnacles on Icy and Hothead. It may be best to have him loaded on high-grade first.

4) Challenge Hothead to an arm wrestling match and then bring Bulkhead in. When he states that this was a trick, state that you never said YOU would wrestle him. Watch the fight from a distance.

5) Make more factoids and logical explanations than Icy. Then questions his reasons for needing to exist.

6) Offer up Blitzwing to Blackairachnia for experimentation. While he's being injected with organic portions, ask what sort of mutant hybrid and what sort of babies that would produce for the triple-changer.

7) Try copying his accent. Only make it choppy, unrealistic, and stupid. And comment how he sounds like Arnold Schwarzenegger.

8) Make a commentary over his fight scenes of how much failure he's showing in front of the great Megatron.

9) Ask for an Autobot-sicle when Hothead is on display. When he torches one instead, complain about it and tell him about how much you hate your metal charred.

10) Hack Blitzwing so that his energy signal is broadcasting all over the place and watch as the Autobots flock to get him.

11) Show Blitzwing how people are pairing his personalities together and watch how he/they react to it.

12) Fill his thrusters with unpopped popcorn. Wait for the burst of delicious, fluffy goodness every time he takes off!

13) Ask him why he has so many faces.

14) Ask Icy why he can only be a plane, Hothead a tank and why Random can be whatever he wants. See if he comes up with something.

15) Somehow persuade Random that he's better then the others and he should tell them that.

16) Constantly ask Icy questions that a five year old would, like, "What are you doing?", "Why are you doing that?", "What's that?" and any other random questions a kid may ask until he shifts to Hothead.

17) Bring Bumblebee to him and get Bumblebee to talk to annoy the hell out of him. Watch his multiple personalities switch like crazy as he flounders around trying to move in between the many transformations.

18) Tell him he ought to talk to Ratchet about his obvious multiple personality disorder.

19) Tell him they've named a new disorder after him: tripolar disorder.

20) Ask if he wants to make an appointment with a psychiatrist.

21) Tell Hothead that Random and Icy made fun of him and watch as he beats himself up. 1000 points if Icy and Random fight back.

22) Tell Icy that Shockwave wants his personality back.

23) Get Random to dress up in a thong and bra then have him switch to Hothead. Zing!

24) Ask Icy if the reason his eyes are different sizes is that he tripped and got a concussion.

25) Dump a bunch of glue, pink paint and glitter on him when he's entering the room. You're ok if he's Icy, 1000000 bonus points if it's Random, run if it's Hothead.

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