50 ways to annoy Bumblebee

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Well..... I should have done this one a looooong time ago! After all, who doesn't know and love our favorite sometimes-mute scout! Alright, who am I to delay you any longer? Go ahead and get readin'!

Language/risqué but not as much as usual!


1) Call him a rookie/scout/baby/Sparkling and tell him he'll never be good enough to be in the big league.

2) Tell TFP 'Bee that Smokescreen just showed up and is already better and has more fans and screen time than him.

3) Make fun of Bayverse and TFP 'Bee's incapability of proper speech.

4) Mock Bumblebee for having gotten Megatron in his helm and become an obedient slave for a significant enough span of time to resurrect the Decepticon leader.

5) Once more mock 'Bee for having his T-cog taken by MECH and becoming a rambunctious little mech who had to use some beaten up old truck for transportation.

6) Tell Bumblebee that KO/Blurr/a grandma drives faster than he does and looks better doin' it, too.

7) Ask him whatever happened to his look-alike capabilities with Cliffjumper.

8) Bring harm upon/threaten to any of Bumblebee's partners in any continuity.

9) Repaint G1 'Bee to look like Cliffjumper and repaint G1 Cliffjumper to look like 'Bee.

10) Make snide remarks about how Bumblebee lost his voice box in the war on Cybertron to Megatron.

11) Whenever he's in earshot, make an obnoxious buzzing noise.

12) Constantly remind TFA Bee that he is NOT the fastest thing on wheels, and that Blurr will always be WAY cooler and WAY faster that him.

13) Spray TFA Bumblebee with boiling hot water, while screaming 'Space Barnacle Zombie!'

14) Call animated Bee short because it blows his circuits.

15) Constantly mistake Bumblebee for Hot Rod, and if he complains, tell him that you were complimenting him. After all, Hot Rod has a MUCH more 3-dimensional character.

16) Ask Bayformers Bublebee what happened with his voice in TF2 because at the end of TF1 it was working well enough

17) Rig every room in the base to play "Black and Yellow"  every time Bumblebee walks into the room.

18) Hack Bee's vocalizer and give him R2's voice.

19) Ask him who would win in an arm wrestling match between Bayformers Bumblee and TFP Bumblebee. Tell him that you've got bets on Bayformers.

20) Mention how he's a scaredy cat during Halloween and believes every little kid are actual monsters.

21) Mention how Bumbebee's colors remind you of Spongebob.

22) Constantly remind Gen 1 Bumblebee of his crush on Chip Chase, and his "pretty face".

23) Mention how obnoxious TFA Bumblebee is.

24) Try to imitate Megatron's voice and send a message to Bumblebee that you're gonna attack Raph again.

25) Make sure that Bumblebee is alone in the base. Turn off the lights, and make sure he's really petrified. Then, come at him and yell "WASP WILL GET BUMBLEBOT!!!"

26) Hint that Megaton is his father.

27) Remind him that he's a crap leader in the IDW continuity.

28) On a related note, remind him that he was outwitted by STARSCREAM.

29) Call him "little buddy". This especially will drive the Animated version absolutely bat-shit.

30) Ask him where his Pretender shell went.

31) Point out the fact that millions of unsold Bumblebee toys clog up toy shelves around the world.

32) Hot-wire his alt-mode scanner to scan the DNA of a bumblebee. That'll make his name sound appropriate!

33) Call him Mumblebee because you can't understand his Prime and BayFormers buzzing.

34) Using a Darth Vader voice, say "Bumblebee! I am your fatha!"

35) Tell him Wasp is and always will be cooler than him.

36) Cover him in honey. Throw a beehive at him. Watch the hilarious antics ensue.

37) Send him to where he belongs..... a hive of bees.

38) Call him a bumbling fool.

39) Ask him millions of times how he felt being eaten by Unicron.

40) For Animated Bumblebee: Send him out to the middle of nowhere, with no music, T.V., video games, nothing. Record what he does.

41) When TFA Bumblebee uses his electric stinger attacks, yell out "PikaaaChuuu!!!".

42) Whenever you're around him, make bumblebee noises. Yes, I mean the insect.

43) Get a fangirl to slap his ass, and say: "Nice stinger."

44) Ask him, "Why does he have Batman Beyond's voice?!"

45) Call him Racing Stripes.

46) Make bee jokes around him.

47) Draw him with Batman's cape and cowl.

48) Try to get him to speak through a vocoder like Daft Punk use when they're playing on his radio. Better yet, get him to sing one of their songs.

49) Tell him that Chip has a crush on him.

50) Get Bulkhead to sit on him.

51) Blast him with Megatron's cannon.


What'd y'all think? I know I enjoyed writing this!

Review please!


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