45 ways to annoy Arcee

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This one was a personal favorite of mine, and I think it's one of the best that I've done for quite a while! And it was especially amazing considering how many times I've used Arcee in a song-fic or roleplay of mine! I hope you guys enjoy this as much as I did!


1) Mention to TFP Arcee anything about her past partners and how she failed to defend them.

2) Tell TFP Arcee that she is going to fail Jack and the Decepticons are going to torture and kill him too, along with the rest of her friends.

3) Try encouraging TFP Arcee to invert her color scheme like Bumblebee and Smokescreen already did.

4) Say to Arcee that she needs to become chubby like Optimus Prime in TFP if she wants to have a chance with him now.

5) Release vast amounts of spiders in her recharging quarters and tell her that Airachnid and her finally had their babies.

6) Show Arcee from TFP the various crack stories, lemons, smut, etc. of her with other characters. Including humans.

7) Make ridiculous sexual innuendos to Jack riding her all the time.

8) Sing "I'm Blue" by Eiffel 63 every time you see her. Also rig all doors to play this song when she walks in.

9) Bring up the moment when Arcee was attached to Bulkhead in Metal Attraction from the polarity gauntlet. Ask her how it felt to be rubbing up against his aft every time he moved.

10) Tell Arcee to stop being Jack's overprotective girlfriend/mom.

11) For all you ladies out there, explain to Arcee that two-wheelers are a bad taste in vehicular form. Proceed to explain how attractive that other Grounders are; perhaps Knock out?

12) Jump up between Arcee and Airachnid during a fight scene and scream about all the "raw sexual tension" and that they just need to kiss spider-man style.

13) Dig up Cliffjumper's horn. Use it to reenact his Cliff's zombie scene or flirt with 'Cee while holding it above to your head.

14) Tell Arcee that after the Autobot base exploded from the Nemesis attack that whatever remains of her former partner Cliffjumper is now disintegrated entirely.

15) Ask her how it felt to be MECH's play-toy. Ask her (with a twisted grin) if she'd like to go back to them so they can molest her innards like they did Breakdown's.

16) Say, "COUGHCOUGH Cliffjumper COUGHCOUGH" when you walk past her.

17) Remind her about the time that Soundwave ground-bridged her ass to an ice cold wasteland.

18) Set her up on a date with Wheeljack.

19) Introduce TFP Arcee to TFA Arcee, then proceed to convince TFP Arcee that she should act more like TFA Arcee, even get a pink paint job.

20) Walk up to Arcee, get in her personal space, squint at her, and say, "What happened to your pink paintjob!?"

21) Have Yuusei from Yugioh 5Ds tell everyone that he is dating a motorcycle and it's Arcee!

22) Tell Arcee that she and Wheeljack are going to get married and have ninja babies that have revenge issues.

23) Tell her that Jack cheated on her with Airachnid.

24) Tell her that she has twin sisters in the Bayformers universe.

25) Paint her pink when she's sleeping.

26) Tease her about how she acts around Smokescreen. You saw the way she was smiling after Smokescreen got that new paint job.

27) While TFP Arcee is in stasis mode, stealthily move her into G1 Thundercracker's in room beside him. Then run like Blurr when the two realize how she got there. (seriously, get Blurr to get you out of there ASAP!)

28) Mention how Prowl is more cooler than her.

29) Tell Arcee to stop acting so defiant and headstrong, and that she'll never live up to Prowl's awesomeness.  

30) Tell her that Jack wants Prowl to be his new partner.

31) Buy a small remote-control car and tell her that the toy is her.

32) Place her in a room with Megatron with hidden cameras and watch the battle begin. Ask her later how it felt to be near Megatron.

33) Point out that her G1 cartoon version is Daniel's nanny and an ineffectual Princess Leia knock-off.

34) Point out that her IDW incarnation is a right psycho.

35) Point out that her Japanese counterpart is a slut and utterly useless.

36) Mention her BW Wrecker incarnation. She'll love that....

37)  Tell her that Chromedome and Rewind make a better pairing than Chromedome and her. Especially the Japanese version.

38) Point out how short she is compared to everyone else.

39) Ask her how many times she kissed/made out with Cliffjumper and Tailgate.

40) Ask her if she's really crushing on Wheeljack and that she should confess her feelings to him.

41) Ask her if she's a boss ass bitch.

42) Lock TFP Arcee in a room with Miko playing her bass guitar.

43) Ask her if she was ever intimate with Tailgate and/or Cliffjumper.

44) Ask her if she wants to see a bullfight. If she agrees and watches the bull, tell her that's Cliffjumper's reincarnation.

45) Tell TFA Arcee that Ratchet tried to kiss her like Sleeping Beauty when she was asleep.


Unfortunately, this will be the last one I do for a while unless I either find more or you guys have a good suggestion for me *wink wink*



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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2015 ⏰

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