50 ways to annoy Ultra Magnus

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As promised, here's another entry in ways to annoy! And yes, there will be even more! Dedicated to SFG, cuz it's her 15th birthday! Happy b-day, Storm!
Language/risqué, you know how it goes! OH, and there are two bonus ways to annoy Magnus!

 1) For TFP Magnus, be sure to call him anything but sir and be as rude and snobbish as possible.

2) Inform G1 Magnus that he is obviously a child because he avoids responsibility like one and hands it off to freakin' Hot Rod.

3) Ask any Ultra Magnus if he is really Optimus Prime's brother. If he says no, tell him that that's a relief since he's a loser and that would be embarrassing for the big OP. If he says yes, then snub him for being the unpopular brother who is nothing like his cool brother Optimus.

4) Ask Magnus if he is ultra in every way. Wink wink, nudge nudge.

5) Mock TFA Ultra Magnus for letting Shockwave kick his can. He's supposed to be some big shot Supreme Commander and elder 'bot filled with the power and wisdom of countless years of war experience, is he not?

6) Never heed TFP Magnus' warnings or his orders. In fact it's best to act like a bat-shit Wrecker 24/7.

7) Call him Optimus Prime. When he corrects you, state: "Oh yes, I forgot that Optimus is a winner and you're well, we don't need to get started do we?"

8) Get Wheeljack to steal the Hammer from him. Or pretty much anything. See how long it takes for him to snap.

9) Scoff at RID Ultra Magnus for being so full of himself to think that he deserves the Matrix when he's not fit for the job. He's not good enough to be related to Optimus Prime and he's not good enough to be his brother's combiner partner.

10) Tell SG Magnus to see a dentist.

11) Whenever you see Ultra Magnus staring longingly at how 'robust' Optimus Prime is, nudge his leg and say "Makes you feel rather... insignificant, don't it? He's probably bigger then you all 'round, if you get my drift~"

12) When you talk to TFP Magnus, end every single word in your sentence with 'sir'. For example: "Well sir, I sir don't sir see sir what sir you're sir trying sir to sir get sir across sir."

13) Ask if he knows Smokescreen is his love child.... Yes Optimus is parent number two.

14) Be Wheeljack.

15) When you see TFP Magnus, mock him with a cheeky, "Yes ma'am!"

16) Tell TFP Magnus that Wheeljack just annoys him because he likes him. IF YA KNOW WHAT I MEAN!

17) Every time G1 Magnus starts to give an order, put up your hand and say, "I can't deal with this right now."

18) Ask TFP Magnus to play a game of hide and seek with you.

19) Throw a dummy grenade in the room and shout "FIRE IN THE HOLE!" and see how fast TFP Magnus quarantines you.

20) Blare MC Hammer's "Can't Touch This" and follow TFP Magnus around doing the hammer dance while shouting, "STOP! HAMMER TIME!"

21) Have MTMTE Rodimus appear on TFP to make Ultra Magnus look less than superior!

22) Interrupt TFP Ultra Magnus with questions when he's saying something important. Multiple times.

23) Place a "Kick Me" sign on his aft.

24) Paint TFP Ultra Magnus' ship pink and spread feathers and tar over the ship's driver seat.

25) Call TFA Ultra Magnus a wannabe Thor.

26) Tell Magnus that you're going to comic-con dressed as him.

27) Play live hand grenade tag in the hallway around him. Bonus if you can get Wheeljack to play with ya!

28) Have your pencils NOT arranged in a neat row and in order of color around MTMTE Magnus.

29) Recite the Tyrest Accord incorrectly in front of MTMTE Magnus.

30) Carry a crossbow with you at all times to bother MTMTE Magnus.

31) Replace his name Magnus with Margaret, Maggie, etc. From now on call him Ultra Margaret or Ultra Maggie.

32) Not looking both ways before crossing the street... It'll upset MTMTE Magnus.

33) Be friends with Swindle.

34) Be friends with Drift.

35) Just be your own, Decepticon-loving self!.

36) Call him "Ultra Maggot"..... 'Nuff said.

37) Tell him that TFA Ultra Magnus would die from his wounds if there was a Season 4.

38) Ask Ultra Magnus if he is an Optimus Prime wannabe.

39) Draw TFP Ultra Magnus in a kilt.

40) "Accidentally" call Ultra Magnus "Magnus Bane" every time you talk to him, and ask him if he's got a thing for blue optics.

41) Has anybody ever told him that he'll never be the Autobot leader? Because he won't.

42) Buy an Ultra Magnus figure, have a meeting with all of the Autobots, and then calmly destroy the toy.

43) Tell Ultra Magnus no one started liking him until his hand got chopped off.

44) Remind him constantly how everyone ditches him whenever Optimus is around.

45) Say "Ello guv'nor!" Every time he walks into the room.

46) Somehow break his hammer. Bonus if you get him to say, " I NEEDED THAT" like Ratchet.

47) Make fun of his claw hand in TFP.

48) Ask TFA Magnus if he only uses that Hammer because he sucks at playing Whack-a-Mole.

49) Show him an operations report confirming that Wheeljack's "strategies" - or lack thereof - are actually getting more Decepticons slagged than following standard procedure.

50) Ask Magnus if he remembered to secure the armory. Then let him know that he locked Wheeljack in there...

51) Call Ultra Magnus by his initials, U.M.

53) Tell TFP Magnus: You are an insufficient worm and Wheeljack's protocol is the only one worth following...then break his claw and ruin his Autobot symbol like a military leader rips off a soldier's badge.

I hope you guys enjoyed yourselves! You know what to do!

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