Ruby the Savior<3

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Your POV!!


Like any normal person during the summer, I was on my laptop. Jacksepticeye played on the screen as I added in my own commentary. He was playing Sally Face and this was something I needed to catch up on. Just as things were getting good, a small noise came from my phone.

I picked up my phone and noticed Ruby had texted me. She was an inviting me to hang out with her and some of her friends. This was something a little new. She never invited me to hang out with her friends. I wasn't complaining because I didn't want to be lonely this summer.

Ruby: hey y/n, wanna come hang out with me and some of my friends? We're gonna get food then ice cream after

Sign me up😈❗

Ruby: cool, cya at 6:35 at the park,, :3


I accepted her request and she gave me the time. I was excited and nervous. Her friends would either like me or hate me, no in between. I didn't stress over it too much. I continued to watch Sean play Sally Face.

Time tends to go by fast. It was 5:15 once you finished the video. That wasn't a bad time to start getting ready. I hopped out of bed and slid down the carpet to the bathroom. I turned the faucet to my shower. I was going to have a nice hot shower. Why? Because I deserved it. Duh.

Not too long after the shower you were staring at your wardrobe. You didn't exactly know what to wear. Maybe a sleeveless turtleneck? Maybe. After sometime you decided on wearing [whatever you want, idc]. It suited you quite nicely.
Looking at the time it was 6:15. Not too shabby. You sat down and read something on Wattpad. Another chapter had been added, which gave you another 5 minutes of reading. It was a pleasant read.


I was making my way down to the park. Butterflies were having a dance party in my stomach as I spotted Ruby and her friends. My first thought? I hope they don't hate me. I slowly crept up behind Ruby. One boy had spotted me behind her, I put my index finger over my mouth. He nodded, but continued to watch me. Ruby was wearing her usual hoodie with a black hat. A hat, not a beanie. Huh. I tapped her on the shoulder.

"Yoohoo~!" I practically yelled at her.

She jumped in utter fear. She turned around and bopped me on the head. Owie. All of her friends just looked at us. She sighed and smiled. She would only let me scare her like that.

"Y-Y-Y/N, if you d-do that shit ag-ain.." She gestured to all of the boys surrounding us.  "These are my bandm
ates and f-friends!"

They all smiled at me, so I returned the smile. She pointed to a guy with blonde hair. His hair looked like a lemon to be honest. He was also wearing a black and red hoodie. He held out his hand for me to shake.


I walked over to him so I could shake his hand. "I'm Max. You must be the infamous y/n we've been hearin' about."

I let my cheeks burn up as I nodded sheepishly. Ruby talking about me to her friends was pretty shocking. She pointed at another guy who was wearing a striped shirt and a pair of jeans.

"This one i-i-is Abel."

He was different. He didn't hold out his hand for me to shake, but I still tried to shake it. We ended up doing the classic handshake. We smiled at each other as Ruby introduced me to the last boy.

"And t-this one here is Cj." Ruby pointed to the last one.

He was the boy that had been staring me down this entire time. He smiled a crooked smile at me.

"Nice to meet ya, I'm Cj," he introduced himself again.
His handshake was firm and he held onto my hand for awhile. Just shaking it. Yep. Ok. Awkward.. I slowly slipped my hand out of his and examined his features. He had these cyan eyes. Nothing I've ever seen before. He also had black hair and a blue and black hoodie. What was with the hoodies? His sleeves were rolled up though.🤨

Ruby had kept her eye on me and CJ as we were shaking hands. She watched with such intensity, it was a little scary. I could feel her eyes on the side of my head. I looked over at her and raised an eyebrow. She turned away quickly.

"Well," Abel spoke up, breaking the silence. "We should get going before the sun goes down, yeah?"

Everybody nodded in agreement. We all began to walk on the smooth pavement of the park. Observing all of the park. It's so perfect. It would've been even more perfect if I hadn't had different thoughts in my mind

I was still trying to figure out...

Why is CJ so attractive?

Hi. This is being reworked, so please be patient with me.

Song: Ruby
Word Count: 868

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