A Miserable Life

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<Quick thingy! I will be swapping out POV's frequently now. Idk why, but that's a thing. I will also do a Christmas Special:). Tell me if the POV thing is something you guys REALLY want for this story.>

Ever since our falling out, my life has been out of sorts. I haven't seen CJ in what feels like forever. I miss him, I really do. The ceiling fan creates loud noises as it spins around. My pulse being the loudest thing in the room. Suddenly, I'm aware. Aware of the fact that I am sitting here helplessly staring at this photo. This photo of the beautiful girl I drew. The photo of Vade.

Had I known we'd went to the same school, I probably could've gotten more information. Shock finds its way around my body. A twinge of fear poking my ribcage now and then. Vade. The memories begin to take form as my fingers trace her features.

However, now isn't the time to be mourning over her. I need to shower and to see CJ. I close the book and slide it onto the nearest table. Vade...

I stumble to my bathroom and take a good look at myself. I don't look good at all. I look like I've been dumpster diving. I slip out of my clothes and start the shower. The only thing that soothes me now. I wanted to look and smell my best for today. If I was going to make another impression, I needed it to be perfect.


The mirror held my reflection. I didn't look bad, but I didn't look fantastic. That clearly doesnt matter at this point. What does matter? The fact that I could possibly be losing someone very important to me. I slip my shoes on and head out the door. The breeze picking up a little.

My thoughts change as I walk by the park. The park where it all started. Where I met these amazing people to call friends. The park where me and CJ met up alone to go to his house. The same dirty house he still lives in. The Just Dance rounds we enjoyed in his living area.

What stands out to me is none of those memories. It's the necklace. The smiley face necklace I'm wearing at this moment as my feet trudge down the sidewalk. He has the other half. I almost forgot about giving it to him. His face was the best part about that night. The smile he offered me when I gave him the necklace. Ugh. Why can't we go back to that?

I stop at the house. His house. I remember when he asked me to be a part of his band. I wonder if they still meet up or not. Probably not, but this visit could change everything.

I knock on the door.


His familiar voice sends chills down my back. I have waited some time to hear that voice again. His voice ringing in my ears pulls up the corners of my lips. I try to stabilize myself and wear a neutral face.

But when I see him come out, I wear the biggest grin and give him the tightest hug.


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