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Your POV:

I sat in the waiting room letting the guilt wash over me. Realization was slowly hitting me bit by bit. The times that I had spent with RUBY'S friends and she hadn't been there with us. My hands felt shaky and I felt sick. My thoughts ebbed through my brain as I allowed my foot to lightly tap on the floor.

The hospital smelled of soap and old candy. No.. Maybe I'm smelling old honey. Does honey even have a scent? I couldn't finish my thoughts when a person sat right beside me. I didn't bother to look up until the person put a hand on my back. I jolted in my chair and looked to my left.

CJ was there giving me a small lopsided smile. I turned my head away so quickly. My past encounter with him hadn't been my best. There was a possibility that he wouldn't remember the last time we met up. I could feel him rubbing small circle on my back. I couldn't help but to let myself shudder at his touch. He immediately removed his hand. I wished he would gently place his hand on my back once more, but he never did.

"How've you been doing Y/N? I know we haven't spoke in a bit..." His voice trailed off.

I didn't know how to respond to him. I allowed the awkward silence to fall over us, the atmosphere slowly becoming more tense. Luckily I was saved by Max and Abel running into the hospital. Max looked like he was on the brink of a rampage. Poor Abel was there trying to keep him calm. I watched them for a few minutes more, their relationship was so indescribable. Their dynamic always seemed like it wouldn't work considering they're both very different. I was always caught in surprise that they worked so well.

Abel was finally able to calm Max down and dragged him to me and CJ. Max sat on the ground while Abel sat to my right.

"Hey Y/N, long time no see. Hah. Heh. Heheh."


I sleepily rubbed my eyes as an awkward conversation began to sprout. I couldn't bare to think about anything else but Ruby. I plopped my hands on the arm rest of the chair and shut my eyes. My eyes began to sting like crazy and I couldn't take it anymore. My mind wandered to how we got into this situation in the first place.

My eyes shot open as my hand grew warm. I looked to my hand and found the source of warmth was CJ. He didn't look back at me but his hand was on top of mine. The pace of my foot tapping picked up just ever so slightly. I could feel my cheeks heating up. I looked to the ground for a distraction. Nothing could hold my attention for long.

"You know, you never answered my question I asked you earlier."

CJ didn't look at me when he spoke to me. His gaze was on Abel and Max though he wasn't speaking to them. I had to gather myself before replying.

"I've been fine."


This made me look up at him. He still hadn't looked at me, which was kinda attractive. Kinda.

He squeezed my hand gently and finally looked at me. His eyes held a firm gaze with mine. Who knew he could be so damn serious. His brows furrowed slightly.

"You can tell me ya know."

For fuck's sake.
I obviously couldn't tell him that thought of him going out with some chick I didn't know was eating away at me, but what else could I tell him? He'd already called me a liar earlier, I would only be proving him right if I did lie.

"These past few days have been busy, I've barely slept," I said nonchalantly.

Only half of that sentence was a lie. My sleep schedule had been going haywire these past few days. But being busy? Absolutely not.

CJ didn't seem to buy my excuse but he didn't pry any further. I sighed out in relief.

"You could just sleep right now. It would be the perfect time while we're waiting."

"No, I need to be awake."

"Come onnnnn. Please?"

Shit. He brought out the puppy dog eyes. If I thought I couldn't resist him before I sure as hell wouldn't be able to resist him now.

"Fine. If you insist."

"I do insist."

"You've made that clear."


I could feel myself slowly falling asleep. My eyes were getting droopy and my head was tilting. I tried my best to stay awake, though sleep caught up to me.

I rested my head on CJ's shoulder. I heard him chuckle. Before I was completely asleep I thought I heard him say something. Something that I might hold onto for the rest of my life.

"You know Y/N, I've missed our hangouts. I miss you. I don't know what's going on with you right now, but I swear I'll make it all better."

I have two things to admit:
That was the best sleep I had gotten that entire week.

I also didn't worry too much about how Ruby was doing.

So fun fact: I'm thinking bout cancelling the book. Why? Bc this is kinda an old book when ppl actually liked CJ😭. (and fnf as a whole)
So should I finish it or-⁉️

Today's song goes with - Ruby

Word Count: 919


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