Stars and Productions

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<1st person pov/ y/n pov>

Everyone sat around a wooden picnic table at the park. By everyone I mean, Ruby, Abel, Max, CJ and me. We were discussing everything me and CJ went over last night. How many songs were gonna be on the album, album covers, lyrics to the songs, song titles, etc. I had bought a note pad along with me to scratch out anything that wasn't necessary.

I leaned forward and rested my head in my hands, and my elbows on the table. It was such a nice day outside. It was very sunny outside, but the wind made the day so much cooler. "What d-do you thin-k, y-y/n?" Ruby snapped me out of my thoughts. "Huh?" Everyone looked at me with a questioning look. "The song titles, what do you think about them?" Abel questioned. I sheepishly rubbed the back of my neck while my face heated up. "Could you repeat them?" I nervously laughed.

"Alrighty, so we got Inverted Ascension, Echoes, and Artificial Lust." CJ looked back my way. "What're your thoughts?" The names were nothing like I have ever heard. I liked the sound of them, though. They had a nice ring the them. Especially Artificial Lust. I smiled. "They all sound really good, they're so creative! The public will be all like 'Yo, you know that song Artificial Lust?' And then they'll be like 'yeah, who could forget it?!'" Max looked at me in an odd way. "I don't know what the fuck you just said, but I like your words." Everyone let out fits of laughter.

The feeling I got around this group was amazing. I couldn't really feel this kind of joy around other people. I don't know what was so special about these people. But I was willing to get to the bottom of it.

CJ almost stopped laugh immediately. "Guys, I actually have some pretty great news." Everyone turned their attention to CJ. Half of me really wanted to listen to him, the other half, however, wanted to stare into his graceful blue eyes. "We've already got a producer!!" CJ clapped his hands. Everyone surrounding the table except for me and CJ had a confused expression. "H-HUH?" Ruby exclaimed. I took note of how loud Ruby got. It was unusual for her to get so loud. "When did we get a producer? Why're we just getting told this" Abel asked.

After a whole 15 minutes of explaining the producer situation everyone started to ask me questions. "I didn't know you could produce music, y/n." Max said. "That's pretty cool though." I shook my head ever so slightly. "I've never actually produced music before. CJ talked me into it though, so there's that." Everyone stopped in their tracks again. They did it so often today, I thought it was a normal thing. Max gave CJ a dirty look. "So you're telling me that you put y/n in charge, even though they have no experience? No offense y/n, but if we want people to know our music we gotta give a good first impression. What if the end result is super shitty? Who would come to this concert?!" Silence fell over everyone. I wasn't worried about what Max had said about me, I was more worried about how CJ would react.

CJ kind of had this disappointed look in his eyes. "You don't believe y/n can do this? Because I think they can do it." That made me face heat up. Damn, I started to feel a little special. That was all cut when Max had something to say. "I know, I think they can do it too, I'm just saying, maybe you should've gotten a professional." The words didn't affect me. They did leave a little sting but nothing more. CJ nodded his head and started to mess around with his fingers.

I patted his back and he gave me a smile. He has such a beautiful smile... "A-a-anyway... what should we do now?" Ruby glanced over at the flowers. You couldn't blame her, the [fav, flower]'s were so pretty. "I don't really know.. maybe we should just head back home." Abel suggested. "But that's so boring." Max sighed. He put his hand over his forehead in a dramatic way. "I can't allow myself to have such a boring day~!" He whined. We each started thinking of things we could possibly do. "Maybe.. we-we could spend the night looking at stars!" Everyone nodded at the sound of that. I remembered last night about how CJ had such beautiful eyes, especially when he looked at the stars.

Max had the idea of going to a convenience store like QuickPick. (Knockoff QuickTrip🤨📸❗) Maybe even take a stroll around town again. This idea wasn't bad, so I agreed. I can't help to notice how every time I hang out with them I buy something. Like when we went to that one store, I bought a magnetic necklace and haven't done anything with it. I had thoughts about giving it to CJ. I wasn't sure if he'd wear it though. I decided to be brave and take it with me on our adventure.

The day started to fall, and the people started to scurry into their houses.

I was pretty calm about giving CJ the necklace. It wasn't like I was giving him a dildo or anything.

CJ lead the way up the hill we sat on yesterday. There was such a perfect view here. I could see all of the stars. I felt like I could see the entire world.

Me and CJ had our own little part of the hill. It was smooth, but CJ insisted on us laying on his hoodie. This was my chance to give him the necklace. When I was about to pull it out, I saw his eyes. They had the stars in them, again. He looked at me with shiny eyes.

"Our album will be called Starlight Mayhem."

Yo, I'm here, sorry for not doing too much. Thanks for being patient.
Word count: 1025

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