Who the HELL is Vade?

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Your pov \ _ /

I stretched on what felt like.. wait hold on.. I'm in the.. garage?

I sat up quickly, looking at my surroundings. I really don't remember how I got here in the first place.

My mind tried to come up with different, realistic, ideas of how i could've got here.
Oh. Right.

There was a fight between me and the band last night. Specifically Abel. I never found out who was on the phone with him.

Then an image of CJ rushed to my head. I forgot about CJ. I hope I didn't say anything that offended him too much. Or at all. I think at all would be better than saying anything offensive towards him in general, right?

I slowly got up off of the cold, hard, floor, and trudged to the bathroom. Ever since yesterday the house seemed unusually quiet. I know it sounds stupid since I'm the only one who lives here, but it was just odd. The silence was so loud yet so quiet all at once. I didn't like it.

The bathroom was neat. My single toothbrush in the holder. I never thought about it, but I live alone. Not even a single cricket lives in my home.  My stomach began to churn as I thought about being alone. There's nothing wrong with being alone, but ever since I started to hang out with the group I've had this craving to be with them. CJ more than any of them.

I looked at my reflection closely. It was judging and inspecting me. I stared at it for three whole minutes before turning away.

The living room seemed unusually empty. Someone, something, should be there. All that I could see were the couches. That were empty. Except for the miniature pillows that sat comfortably in the corner.
My phone was perched on the end table and I stared at it for a long time. I really do have a staring problem.

I picked up the phone and did something risky: I called Abel. He didn't have to pick up but I had hope he would pick up. I just needed to talk to him, apologize, and find out what's going on.

To my surprise, he answered.

"Y/n. Ya need something?"

"I want to apologize. I shouldn't have acted the way I did. I just think I have the rights to know what's going on in my friends lives.. y'know?"

The other end of the phone was silent.  I couldn't tell if he was still on the line with me or not.

"If you really wanna know, I guess it wouldn't hurt to tell you."

I'm back with an apology. I apologize for not being able to get chapters out like usual. I've been more concerned about ballet and my math homework. Also, I made a mistake. I may or may not have started a shit ton of other stories and now I have to work on those. My bad.
Thanks for being very patient
Word count: 505

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