Back to Normal?

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After my little nap at the hospital, everything was so much clearer to me. The energy was pumping through my veins again, and boy did it feel good.

Ruby was holding up now as well. Although she wasn't admitted to leave, she seemed to be in better spirits as well. Everyone in our group would pitch in to see her. Someone would go this day, another the next.
Me and Ruby held deep conversations with each other.

So deep I even told her about CJ. This didn't come as a surprise to her, but she acted the best that she could.

"Woooow.. Oh em gee, no way," She spewed. So full of enthusiasm.

"Mm, I know. But he's going out with that Vade chick." I clicked my tongue and sat in silence. Her name left a sour taste in my mouth. "Like.. You know.. I don't know.."

"How am I supposed to know i-if you don't know?"

"Hush up."

We sat in silence. She knew what I meant and she had sympathy for me. Until she remembered it was about CJ. Who, according to her, was the 'ugliest guy she had ever met'. That was rich considering she didn't know too many guys.


The band was back on speaking terms. Sorta. We would talk about how Ruby was and make small talk amongst ourselves. Abel and Max were getting along with me amazingly. Not so much CJ. CJ was now spending most of his time with Vade.
This meant that whenever he wasn't with her, he had to talk about her non stop. Good for him I guess.

Our group would meet at the park that I met them. It was full of decent memories. It was still cold outside, but warm enough to dibble and dabble in short sleeves again.

"So she was all like.. Wearing this tight cocktail dress. And gee willie was she gorgeous!"

Max and Abel exchanged looks, obviously bored of the subject. I internally agreed with them. Talking to CJ was like listening to a broken record: Vade, Vade, Vade!

Too much Vade, too little legitimate conversation.

"So Y/N, how have ya been," Abel turned to me. "Today was your day to check up on Ruby, ya?"

I nodded my head. This snapped CJ out his trance and he turned to face me as well. I wasn't upset with him too much. I just didn't have words for him.

"Mhm, she's great. She's engaging in a lot more conversation. I've never ever seen her so talkative before!"

"That's great! Any word on when she can get outta there?" CJ.

"Not to my knowledge." A short and simple reply.
Max nodded and drummed his lap lightly.

There was still a very obvious tension in the air. CJ was too dense to notice it; he's a big ol dummy.

Eventually Max and Abel decided to retire for the day, leaving me and CJ alone. We didn't speak too much since the hospital. He probably felt that everything was fine between us. Which it should've been. However, my slight jealousy for his new girlfriend played a huge role for how I felt about him. Did I think we were gonna get married or something? Perchance. Did I ever expect him to a pull a girlfriend out of his ass? Not perchance.

"Y/N. I'm glad we can be alone again, just the two of us. Heh. It's weird..." Get on with it, sir. "I've missed you like crazy. I don't know, you have this charm about you. I've missed being silly with you and spending time with you.

Call me a chair because I folded.

"Mmm, yeah, I miss hanging out with you, too. And the group as a whole. We should plan to go somewhere. Shopping? Out to eat?"

He looked like he was actually considering the words that I uttered. I didn't want to seem desperate, so I said the 'group'. Oohh yeah, make him feel jealous. Truth is, I wanted time alone with him and only him. Not the band, no one.

I wanted to play Just Dance in his living room and good off again. Like normal. But now if I wanted to do something I feel like it would be awkward between us. Not even between us. I would be awkward between him. You know what I mean.

"Then we should hang out at the mall. Just you and me, we could buy stuff, eat, whatever you want. Like older times."

Woah. That was hot.

"Yes.. Erm, I would like to. When we're you thinking?"

He tapped his chin and fondled his invisible mustache.

"Tomorrow, if that's good for you, of course."

"Yeah, I'll be free tomorrow." Bring me an inhaler because he's taking my breath away. And he's not doing anything above average either. Just doing the bare minimum was giving me the biggest boner ever.

"Then it's set, tomorrow at the mall."

He got up and stretched his arms. He flashed one of his famous smiles before ruffling my hair, making me laugh.

I stood up as well and we exchanged last minute words and details. He waved and walked off. I sat back down. I could still have a chance. Perchance.

idk why im back, i started this 3 years ago, but this book still gets tons of traction. so for those who wanted more, im here for you babes
And i might finish the book.
word count: 919

 word count: 919

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