Smiley Face? Cute.

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<3rd pov>

You stopped in the moment and thought about the name. 'Starlight Mayhem..' you thought.

In all truth, you liked the name, you really did. However, it foiled your plans to hand CJ the necklace. You knew that all CJ really talked about was his band, the music, making it big.

You wished he talked more about himself; his personality, his background, his hobbies (besides being in a band.)

It's true you could've told him about it but you didn't want to turn him away. He had good intentions and you know he did. You wanted to listen to everything he said.. but you didn't want his words to become repetitive.

"Hello~, anyone home?" CJ waved his hand in front of your face. You shook your head lightly and responded quickly.
"Starlight Mayhem... I like the sound of it." You gave him a weak smile while he gave you the biggest grin.
"Thanks, I thought of it myself," he chuckled.

You let out a sigh and returned to your thoughts, tuning out whatever you could. You could've gave the necklace to him just then. A part of you wanted to really badly. Another part of you wanted to know CJ.

"Hey, CJ?" You looked over his way sheepishly. "Yeah, y/n?" He gave you his full attention.

You got distracted in that moment. The way he said your name.. it was like nothing you've heard before. He made your name sound like it was something special. You liked that. You wanted him to start saying your name more often.

"I want to know more about," you looked away. "Since we've been hanging out together so often."

He gave you a soft smile. It looked nice on him.
"Well..." he trailed off. "I met Max and Abel in middle school. Max and Abel weren't as skilled as me in school either." He chuckled.

"We had the idea of the band in middle school, too. Uhm.." he locked eyes with you, keeping contact as he spoke. "I like eating meat, I think blue is a nice color, I'm very childlike and lazy.. I also like to make people smile!" He rubbed the back of his neck.

"Corny, huh?" He asked, turning a little pink. You shook your head. He didn't say too much about things you wanted to hear, but you didn't want to drive him away with your questions.

You thought about the smiley face necklace. He liked seeing people smile. You liked seeing CJ smile. Maybe this necklace would make him smile.

"CJ." Was all you could utter out at the moment. You were a little nervous to give him the necklace. 'What if he doesn't actually like it, what if we stop being friends?'

"Is something on your mind, y/n?" He did it again. He said your name with such ease. It made the little butterflies in your stomach fly around. They were good butterflies though, so it's cool.

You held out half of the necklace to him. "I got you something.." you sheepishly rubbed your neck. You didn't know what else to say. You were scared to stumble over your words.

CJ took it in his hands and examined it. He looked at you then back at the necklace. 'DAMMIT. WHY DID I THINK HE WOULD LIKE A NECKLACE OF ALL THINGS? WHY COULDN'T I JUST-'

Your thoughts were cut short when you felt a pair of arms wrap around you.

"Thank you, it's beautiful."

Sorry I'm not really publishing. Ballet and jazz classes are kicking my ass.

Word count:595

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