A Day Around CJ [pt.1]

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Last night was one of the best nights in your entire life. It was full of laughs, interesting stories, and new friends. You were hoping you all could  do something like that again.

Rolling over on your bed you stretched your arm out to grab your phone. You really weren't a morning person, but the effects of feeling good from last night were still in full force. You turned your phone on to find several messages from one particular number. Cj's. He left you messages like "Good night" "hope you had fun" and recent ones. The text that caught your eye was, "wanna hang out later😈". You didn't know what to think. Couldn't he use any other emoji? You responded with a plain "sure." Wow. Way to be dry.(jkjk) Cj texted you info about where to meet and what time. You were excited about this. You could study him even more. Don't take that out of context.

You decided to be productive and get out of bed. You ended up rolling onto the floor. The hard, wood, floor. Sucks to suck, right?
You went to the bathroom to brush your teeth and shower like usual. The shower was nice and refreshing. You were feeling like you were invincible at this point. You walked out and chose [whatever you wanna wear😌]. You thought it looked nice on you. Nothing could stop your good luck.

Breakfast stopped your good luck. You were gonna make pancakes, however most of them got burnt. Not only that but you didn't have any more [fav, drink]. So you dirtied up a shit load of dishes for nothing. You let out the loudest sigh. You were just gonna wash the dishes and have cereal. As you were picking up the bowl that still had a little bit of batter in it. You dropped it. It spilt all over your shirt and the floors. "I fucking hate it here..." you mumbled. You walked back into your room and put on [something different idrc]. You were gonna sweep up the batter but stubbed your toe on the way out.
"What a shitty morning."

You met up with Cj at the same park as yesterday. He was on his phone doing something, the sun was too bright for you to see. He turned around just as you got closer to him. "Hey y/n! I'm glad you got here when you did. This sun is killing me!" He placed a hand over his eyes. You looked at him confused. "Why're you wearing a hoodie on the middle of summer. You're making things ten times worse for yourself!" He rubbed the back of his neck nervously. "I've never really thought about it." He slowly took his arms out of the sleeves  and pulled the hoodie over his head. He was wearing a light grey plain t-shirt. You were expecting some sort of picture or design on his shirt. "Feel any better?" You asked. "Eh. Anyway we should probably start heading back to my house, it's so damn hot outside.." he panted. You gave a nod and walked alongside him.

The walk there wasn't awkward but it wasn't uncomfortable either. It was just a peaceful kind of walk. No talking necessary. The air felt cool against your skin. The cars passed by in such a peaceful manner, it was kind of weird.

You and Cj turned a corner to stop in front of a house. It wasn't huge, but it wasn't small either. Walking in the house, was a different story. It was messy to say the least. Papers were scattered all over the place. Dishes were spread across the counters, and blankets covered the floors. You weren't expecting a perfectly clean house... But not a trashy one, either.

Stepping around the blankets, you followed CJ to the living area. Half of the shit in the living space was covered in blankets, blankets, and more blankets. CJ looked at you a tad bit sweaty. "I'm sorry, y/n. It's not usually this messy. I've just been.. busier this time around!" He picked up a few blankets and threw them to the couch. "It's fine." Was all you could utter out. He had flooring underneath all of those blankets? Damn.

"If you want, we don't have to stay here," he intruded your thoughts. "We can go back to the park, or any where else you'd rather be!!" He practically shouted in your ears. He looked kinda sorry that you had to see his house in such poor conditions, but you couldn't pass up on an opportunity as good as this! It could have possibly been a once in a lifetime thing.
"Y'know, I'm good here. The mess reminds me of my house." You shrugged. He turned bright red. Maybe you shouldn't have brought up how messy his house was. "Okay.. well is there anything in particular you wanna do?" "Hm.." you replied looking throughout the small room. "You have Just Dance?" You perked up.

"You up for a match?"

It's me, your beloved author. Jkjk. This is most likely going to be a two part chapter because I just don't feel like putting it all into one chapter.
I apologize for not getting this chapter out over the weekend. I got distracted and avoided Wattpad, but I'm back.
I also might be able to get out of quarantine and go back to school once I get my Covid test results. That means I probably won't have as much time to write chapters.
Thanks for your patience
Word count: 931

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