Chapter 1

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AN: and another self-insert fanfic again. School days are back and I'm doing this? This one is a bungalow stray dogs fanfic. This is a pre-canon and alternate universe fanfic featuring the self-insert.

Chapter 1: The last blessing of the last lifetime

           The Worlds aren't perfect. It is full of imperfections. Yet, he was fine with the world being this way. But what he dislike the most in every world, was those types of people. Dense as a brick– A prat, gormless, dunderhead, plank, Charlie, Berk, Twit, pillock, and so on and on. Yet, he became a person that he dislike. He never thought of himself as someone foolish and dense as the ascending fumes coming from the deepest part of hell.

For someone like him, he should have realized. Over six times, he didn't notice. Now, a total of 8 lifetimes. He was someone who had special circumstances. Someone who live, and die, and to be alive again. No, he was not a Zombie or an Undead. He was someone who died and passed away and to be alive again in the next world. He was a reincarnated person. A self-professed Reincarnator. ( He can only claim and call himself such as those words with no one to confirm his situation but only himself )

In this life, this is his 7th time being reincarnated. He should be tired. But he wasn't. These changes were given to him, he was not someone who waste them and spent my time lamenting and grieving. Whoever has given this chance... chances to him, whether they are God, Buddha, or even the Devil, it didn't hate towards them that he felt. He only felt gratefulness.

To have been given this chance, he was someone who was blessed. Over his previous six reincarnations, he has lived his life to the fullest. he was certain to have lived life with smiles and satisfaction. Yet, in this lifetime. He may have realized that this would be his last chance and blessing.

In his first and original life, he was a 1st-year college student who died of illness full of regret in his life.

In his 1st Reincarnation, He was a Goatherd. Not a Shepherd. He was someone who tended on the goats. It may not a great profession, but he was satisfied with what he had in that life. He was living peacefully with his family and far away from the horrible throes of war and destruction.

On his 2nd Reincarnation, he was a lawyer. Those were good times as he managed to fulfill one of his many childhood dreams in his original life. He has managed to say many 'Objection!' and 'Take that!' on that lifetime. It was satisfying. Watching the breakdowns and expressions of the criminals as they slowly lose their composure— Was the best and most accomplished feeling in that lifetime.

On his 3rd Reincarnation, he was a composer. There, he live his musical dreams and went out theatrically. That was a weird and strange world. If he would describe it aptly, it was a musical world where you always need to sing. Of course, he shall never forget the background dancers and singers. He has practiced his singing level and dance moves because of that world.

On the 4th Reincarnation, he was Reincarnated as she. It was uncomfortable at first. He should have expected it considering his circumstances. But as time passed in that world, she soon started getting comfortable referring to herself as she. It was better than being reincarnated as an animal or worse, being reincarnated as a plant or bacteria. She shuddered to think of herself as those latter 3, she would never live a fulfilling life if she lived on those 3 categories. In the 4th Life, She has chosen to become a journalist.

In the 5th Life, she was back on being a He. It took time for him to adjust to being back a He. Thankfully, the adjustment only lasted on his childhood. He didn't take any anger when some of his acquaintances took fun of him because of it. It was because of that fact that he managed to become popular with all of the people in his school. He has managed to have a grasp on how they think. To be able to understand the people in some ways. In their 5th life, he was a publisher. A vanity press publisher.

In the 6th Life, he was again she. The world is very interesting. She was born or should she say created? in a sci-fi world. She was a clone and she adapted to being she again seamlessly. The moment that she adapted to the interesting sci-fi world, the first action that she took was to step forward and help her fellow clones. Then, it was followed by speeches. She was a wave that their creator didn't was coming. She was someone who has a will of her own. Someone who inspired and give ideas to her fellow clones against their unethical oppressors. She was someone who was enlightened to their situation and refuse their current treatment in that advanced society. She thirsts for justice. Thus, she leads the rebellion and their rights. In the end, she died with a smile on her face while tasting the happiness over the sight of the clones developing their own culture and freely expressing how they feel.

And now, there was the 7th Reincarnation. Someone who has experienced many lifetimes. The mighty have fallen and become a fool. She or he, whatever it is have realized his utter denseness. In this life, he was reincarnated as David Mitchell in England.

At an early age, or when the moment he was born, he has already shown a glimpse of his ability. Remember– The ability to retain the memories of his Reincarnation. He didn't think of it as special as it was an ability that he carried over his lifetimes. But, he has managed to start showing more of his abilities when he was 2 years old. And at 8 years old, he has developed it to the fullest. The moment that his parents died in this lifetime.

It is that ability that has brought the attention of some people towards him. The Order of the Clock Tower.

People with the author's names and supernatural abilities. He– being someone who has an ability and named David Mitchell. The Author of the book was adapted into the confusing Leprechaun movie. He was Reincarnated in that Anime Show.


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