Chapter 18

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Chapter 18: The New Client and Mission

Toronto. The capital city of the Canadian province of Ontario. The most populous city in Canada and the 4th in North America.

It was a bustling and lively location. A place that was one of the most multicultural and cosmopolitan in the world.

David Mitchell adjusted the light blue scarf on his neck. Wrapping it a little bit more to keep himself warm.

It was already the season of spring approaching autumn but the temperature was cold. As expected of the climate that this country was in.

Despite the cold temperature and discomfort that he felt, he wouldn't let it hinder his mission.

" David-san..."

Robert murmured behind him. David glanced back at the newest member of their organization and directed Robert with a faint smile.

" Mr Robert let's go. "

Nodding his head, Robert followed in the footsteps of David. Eventually, they arrive at a cafe where they would meet someone. According to David, it was the client of their current mission.

Entering the cafe, a waitress greeted them with a smile on her face.

" Good morning. This cafe is currently reserved. May I ask your identities? "

Taking his ID on his brown coat, David showed it to the waitress. Seeing the ID, the waitress smiles.

" Please come in Mr. Mitchell and your guest. "

Robert was a little bit offended when he was only categorized as a guest. But since he was just a new member, their current client wouldn't know his identity.

Entering the cafe, almost all of the seats were vacant which was what Robert expected. It was reserved and it would also be a bad thing if people could just listen to their conversations. Following the waitress, they eventually arrived at a particular table where a lady dressed in a formal business style of dress was sitting and waiting for them. She has dark green hair tied into a ponytail and a pair of golden eyes.

The lady is their client. Robert thought.

After thanking the waitress, David went to sit on the opposite side of the table from their client. Robert followed soon after, sitting in the vacant chair beside David.

As the two members of the 7 traitors sat, the lady in front of them introduced herself.

" I'm Margaret Atwood, I'm a freelance worker hired temporarily by the Canadian Government. You can think of me as their standing representative at the moment due to unfortunate circumstances. Anyway, I didn't expect the infamous leader of the 7 Traitors to be quite young. "

Chuckling, David replied with a wry smile on his face.

" I get it a lot... "

He then muttered with a frown. Seeing his reaction, the calm Miss Atwood was a little worried and she asked.

" Did I offend you? "

Seeing her expression, David raised his two hands in a placating manner and assured her.

" No, you're not Miss Atwood... But your reaction was quite different. "

David paused for a moment and continued.

" When people see my appearance, the clients that I encountered let their guard up and underestimate me because of my appearance and age. As for you. Miss Atwood's reaction is intriguing. You are particularly concerned and at the same time cautious. "

" .. I see. "

At the side, Robert who was listening to their conversation asked David to join the conversation.

" Captain, if I may? .. "

David nodded his head. Since he had permission, Robert started speaking.

" You may not be particularly informed of this part but the British government was very intense in keeping any information not known by the public and the world regarding you. The public is ignorant of the appearance and information about the leader of the 7 traitors, the only thing that they know is your abilities and rumors of your personality. "

David Mitchell tilted his head when he heard that. Miss Agatha didn't tell him anything about that information.  But knowing her, she probably thought that it wasn't important to mention. And she was probably one of the people responsible for this matter.

  David knows that the Order of the Clock Tower is in charge of a lot of tasks in and outside of things regarding Britain. There is a high chance that they have a hand in things keeping a secret about him. Maybe including the government and the Queen. For some of them, it was probably for a petty reason since David knows that he has left Britain in a sour manner or they don't just want to be implicated.

Nonetheless, if it was for a petty reason that some of them decided to keep things about him, David was grateful. After all, there were people back there whom he cared a lot.

( But not a lot as his guardian )

( David was an ungrateful brat for just leaving without saying goodbye to the remaining members of the Scotland Yard Skilled Department. )

(Ungrateful that he keeps rejecting Miss Agatha relaying a message from them and he keeps rejecting the offer to even just visit them. )

(Is David a coward for not stepping again into the place that let his guardian die? Is it cowardice that he doesn't want to step into the country that reminds him of his adopted father?)

" Mr Mitchell? "

While David was pondering, he heard the concerned tone of their new client. Blinking, he looked beside him and saw that Robert was also looking at him with concern.

Chuckling a little and waving his hand, David smiled wanly.

" I apologize, I got space out a little bit.  I just remembered something. Miss Atwood, could you talk about the request of the Canadian Government? "

Briefly taking a look around the Cafe and back at David and Robert, Margaret sighed and started talking about the mission request of the Canadian government.

The mission involves a rumored secret international criminal organization which the Canadian government has confirmed to be true since they have sent a spy on that organization.

Unfortunately,  the spy was killed and discovered. But before being killed, the spy has relayed information that the organization has a device that is capable of enhancing the skills and strength of the ability users with the unfortunate side effect of making the ability users suffer throes of madness, bouts of rage, and eventually not being able to contain their abilities and cause an explosion phenomenon of self-destruction and eventually their body being covered in ink before fading like a worn page of a book.

At the end of the explanation, despite some doubts, David decided to accept the mission with Robert. He can't let this mission go if the contents of the mission were that serious.

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