Chapter 5

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Chapter 5: Nightly Excursion

                  5 years ago, David Mitchell parent's died in this world. It was also the same year that he fully unlocked the skillset of his abilities. That year, David knocked on the Great Scotland Yard doorsteps and Arthur Conan Doyle became his guardian.

It's been 1 month since his conversation with Siegfried at the Academy. David can't get out the things that he said and Siegfried mentioned at that time in his mind.

Admittedly, he was uncomfortable with their topic. After a deep discussion with Siegfried, he hoped that his speculations were wrong. But several lifetimes have given him some interesting perspectives and views of things that David would be able to conclude some trajectories in life with some accuracy.

With the night sky hidden by the clouds, stars, and moon hidden among them – the city of London was engulfed in darkness. The smog didn't particularly help either. In the city of London, smog doesn't only cover the city at night, it also remains in daylight.

Street lamps are the only light that serves as a guide in the city for people wandering in the City's Road and streets at night.

Prowling, David watched among the smog in a certain alley. Covered in the smog, David followed his target. After a minute of following his target, David raises his arms when his target is preparing his move.

" 6th seal unlocked: Rerun "

After muttering those words, David's clear blue eyes glowed and the fog was released from him. The fog was different from the smog that was covering the city of the night of London. For one, it didn't look like it was mixed with anything like smoke but just a pure white fog that couldn't be touched by anything. The fog then went to David's target and the fog engulfed him and disappeared within the target's body.

The target which was preparing for his tonight's victim paused in the middle of his actions. His victim who was preparing to shout for help and terror at the same time was confused when the target stopped stabbing her with his murder weapon. To her confusion, her would-be murderer put back the pointy knife in his pocket before releasing it as if to stab her before putting it back in his pocket again.

Again and again.

And it happened again for a whole minute and continued happening again and again.

It keeps repeating much to the victim's confusion. She was now starting to think that the murderer wasn't a murderer but someone who just wanted to prank or put on a joke.

But then she heard the murderer's frightened voice.

" What is happening?! "

The target, – One of the serial murderers on the recent news was now afraid and hysterical. He doesn't know what is happening to him and why his body keeps repeating the actions of pulling out his weapon over and over from his pocket beneath his trench coat.

He can't control himself. He can't control his body. The serial murderer doesn't know what is going on. The only thing that he could do was glare at his supposed-to-be victim thinking that it was her fault.

The victim flinched at the glare of the serial murderer. She was also confused and didn't know of the situation. But from his glare alone, the victim finally concluded that she wasn't being the butt of a joke but the murderer did indeed plan to kill her. It was a sobering thought that made her feel chills on her spine. Before the murderer can accuse the victim, David decides to show himself to them.

" Please don't glare at the young Miss, it wasn't her fault. "

David walks toward the sight of the victim and murderer. Both of them were surprised when they saw David. But a moment later, the murderer glared at David and started spouting insults.

Hearing the insult, David was unfazed. And ignore the serial murderer who keeps cursing him. In today's age and era, it is normal for people to be polite and show some courtesy and manners. It was also more prominent in this country.

But David doesn't find it odd for his target to keep cursing him with a lot of expletive curses and insults. He was calm and ignored his target as if he was used to it many times.

Starting through the victim, David decided to ask the lady.

" Are you alright, Young Miss? "

The victim stared at David in surprise.  Before David walked towards them, she immediately concluded that the weird phenomenon that kept happening to the murderer was the work of the ability user. Now seeing David, her savior... She didn't expect her savior to be someone younger than her. Still, the young man is the one who has saved her from the grasp of death.

She has avoided a miserable fate because of the young man in front of her. She bowed her head towards the young man. It would be ungrateful and unbefitting of her if she wasn't polite towards her savior.

" Thank you for saving my life. "

As the lady bowed to him, David felt a little flustered. He then takes out a phone from his pocket and proceeds to make a call.

But before David could utter a word, he heard several footsteps from the smog coming towards them. The silhouette of several people was revealed and David sighed.

" Even the man is a murderer, you don't need to stoop so low David. "

The one who muttered those words was a handsome man dressed in a disgusting and eye-catching combination of a white shirt, green vest, and coat. The man's pants are brown and his boots are green. Wearing a golden-rimmed monocle, he directed David a fake smile.

David scrunched his mouth in distaste at being the victim of those fake smiles and pleasantries directed at him.

" Mr. Shakespeare... "

David muttered, then glancing at the person beside Mr. Shakespeare, David then muttered curtly.

" Senior, Agatha. It's nice to see that you are doing well. "

This time, there wasn't any trace of distaste coming from David directed toward the person besides Mr. Shakespeare.

Ms. Agatha, a former student at the Academy smiled at David and greeted her Junior. After the greetings, Agatha then inquired curiously.

" I thought that you are prohibited by your nightly excursion by Mr. Doyle? What are you doing exploring in the night again David? "

Shrugging his shoulders, David responded with a nonchalant attitude.

" He doesn't know. "

Hearing those words, both Mr. Shakespeare and Agatha sighed. Once David's guardian learned of his rebellion again, it wouldn't end up nicely.

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